How to Have a Long-Lasting Marriage

When I mention that I have been married for almost thirty-six years to the same man, my words are often met with exclamations of shock and/or a round of applause. It is simply not that common to see a marriage that makes it beyond the first ten or fifteen years intact.  Read more

You Can Choose Your Mood

Every morning we scramble out of bed, reaching for the coffee to get us moving and out into the world. Most do not realize that another very important even is happening in this moment. You are deciding what kind of day you are going to have.  Read more

8 Tips to Burn Your Belly Fat

The party season is over for another year, and burning your belly fat may be an impossible task. Like many of us, you may have tried stomach crunches sideways, backwards, and upside down, but to no avail. Perhaps you’ve danced around the living room, while copying Youtube videos. Tried the crazy diet that makes you cranky and tired? Read more

5 Tips for Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions

According to a study done by the University of Scranton nearly 45% of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions every year but only 8% actually succeed. There is no reason you can’t achieve your goals. These 5 ideas will help you get started on your new year. Read more

Rethink Your Method of Setting New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is quickly coming up and many people are once again thinking of their New Year’s resolutions. Sadly, vast majority of people end up giving up on their goals within the first couple months, if not the first month. By changing your way of thinking and method of goal-setting you can successfully determine which resolutions are most important to you and how to achieve them. Read more

Ditch the Resolutions and Embrace Positive Changes

I don’t know how the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions began, but I know how it will end. It will end sometime in January when millions of people stumble from their firm resolutions and fade back into the behavior they sought to change. By February, those well-intentioned resolutions will be but a guilty memory, and the new exercise equipment purchased in anticipation of the fulfillment of the resolutions merely a convenient clothes rack cluttering up the bedroom. Read more

New Miracle All-Natural Wound Treatment Derived from Honey

Many of the drugs and pharmaceuticals we rely on today originate from purely natural sources. How else did our ancestors cure minor ailments, treat wounds and the like? But did you know that honey is one such substance? In 2011, Ian Staples (former MD of Halfords) discovered that certain types of honey have remarkable antimicrobial qualities. Read more

5 Herbs for Stress

With hectic daily schedules, joggling between family responsibilities and work related tasks, we all live nowadays under the empire of stress. Our body may well endure it for brief period of time, but prolonged stressful circumstances can impact not only our morale, but also our physical health. Read more

First Date? 10 Tips to Stay Safe

Today, many couples meet through the popular medium of internet dating. You’ve perused countless profiles, exchanged ‘winks’ and emails, chatted on the phone and now you’ve arranged that first date! Have fun and stay safe by following a few simple tips. Read more