Break those Bad Office Habits

Bad habits at the office can have an adverse influence on one’s career. When these begin to affect quality of work, the repercussions are serious. Once a poor reputation is established for a person among bosses, the problem can stop a potentially blooming career in the tracks, or worse, reverse the climb up the ladder. If certain bad practices have become part of your work life, you are probably aware of their destructive effects on your career. But as with most people you probably just can’t get out of the rut. (more…)

On Existence

It took me a little while to realize how fascinated I was on existence; that vibe of knowing that someone out there is listening to what I have to say, and feel that I have a place in this context. At the back of my mind, a number of people know me by name, but only a few know what`s running in my head. All at the same time, I have too much fear going on with that want. I`m scared that if people start to have access on my thoughts, everything`s going to be a mess. (more…)

Vaping? The FDA is Watching Your Facebook Account

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) has recently unleashed a horde of researchers cum investigators to look into the vaping habits of e-cigarette users. This includes research on social networks such as Facebook and other online mediums where the vaping community shares their experiences. Flush with funding of $273 million, at least 14 centers or organizations will be doing much of the research work. One of these is Georgia State University. (

The main objective of these is to establish the scientific basis for future regulation and possible prohibition of the devices. (more…)

Softer Skin on a Budget

Want smoother skin without the expensive price tag? I am a new mom and wanted to pamper myself at home without spending too much money for not enough product. So I did my research and learned how to make my own sugar scrub at home. These work wonders on your hands, feet, legs, arms - basically your whole body! (more…)

5 Popular Types Of Massage And Their Benefits

When you think of massage, you probably think of relaxation and luxury. After all, not everyone can have the extra money and time to go to a massage therapist and get one on a whim. What a lot of people don't know is that massage actually has more benefits than simple pleasure and relaxation - it actually brings a lot of health benefits that can improve your overall well-being, too. (more…)

5 Tips for Improving Your Happiness in the Workplace

Most people spend more than fifty percent of their days within the workplace. When you’re not sleeping, most of your week seems to be dedicated to the daily grind of a nine-to-five routine, and although you may consider your commitment to work to be a necessary requirement in maintaining your lifestyle, making an active decision to improve your happiness at work could project benefits onto your entire life. (more…)

What Makes a Loving Relationship Stand?

A loving relationship is viewed as the most wonderful human relationship one could ever have in life because it says a lot about how much we need to be related in a way or another. We don't like to remain alone. It simply tells much about how human we are. But sometimes once we engage into a loving relationship, we become worried about (more…)

How To Use “Reduced Sale” Grocery Items

Trying to live healthy and on a budget can sometimes be tough, especially when it seems that the cost of living keeps rising. So when I see reduced healthy items at the grocery store or farmer’s market, I quickly try to think of things I can do with the awesome food find. Since food waste is a big no-no in my book, you should always have a game plan when buying extra food goodies. So here are a few examples of ways to use and store some specific “reduced sale” items to make sure that nothing goes to waste when purchasing healthy items on the cheap: (more…)

The Power of Words in a Relationship

The Power of Words in a Relationship

People say that when you meet your soul mate, even your silence speaks a thousand words which are so profound that they simply touch the other one’s heart, but gone are those days! (more…)

Sleep Deprivation and Increased Food Purchases!

Being sleep deprived brings about a lot of different harmful effects on our bodies including the inability to make higher functioning decisions, pass proper judgement, and physically function without being stressed. When our bodies do not get enough sleep, our brain cannot store memory, aid decision making nor help the body function to its peak performance level. We become sluggish, foggy, and exhausted when we do not get enough sleep. (more…)