Teenagers, Rats, Pregnancy and Nicotine

A new study published in nature.com as referenced in the Journal of Neuroscience (jneurosci.org) has recently come out indicating a link between smoking mothers and as the paper puts it “the propensity” of offspring to develop behavior related to over-consumption later on in life. (more…)

In the past, as a smoker, you have often solved everything with a cigarette. Happy, mad, or sad. But now you know the toll this choice has madeon your body and your life. You've made a sound decision to stop but it is not going to be easy. Better to know what is ahead and how to handle it.
Stress: This is mental, physical and emotional strain we feel caused by anxiety or over-work. (more…)
Youth Unemployment and Tobacco Use

(A Trilogy)
A few weeks ago, I was alarmed at discovering the truth about the ten million jobless youth in the U.S. (a number greater than the population of New York city). Regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion, being jobless is bound to have grave consequences for every youth's well-being, and/or the life of that person's family. (more…)
Vent Alert! This Mom is About to Inject Nicotine!

Okay, so I'm not totally serious about the title, but maybe I would if I could! (more…)
Will Blogging Help Me Quit?

I’ve been smoking for a long time now. There have been time when I’ve smoked happily without a thought of giving up, times when I’ve vaguely considered giving up, and times when I’ve really, really wanted to quit. (more…)
4 Reasons to make 2020’s New Year’s Resolution the Switch to E-cigarettes

Another year is ending and the night of the great decisions is slowly approaching. The 31st of December has always been, and will always be the best time to start making plans for the better and brighter future. Without exception, every January, those who smoke are determined to give up on this filthy habit. However, as most of them have failed to go through with this decision countless times, why not take into consideration a slightly different approach? (more…)
A New Thinking Process to Get Started

I've decided to try something different. I always thought of quitting as such a difficult and negative process. Well, who would want to do that when you're constantly thinking of it in such a hateful way? So I've decided to think of it in a positive manner. I mean, after all, it's a good thing I'm quitting right? (more…)
Quit Smoking Membership: Scheduling Tricks to Help You Quit

Just like having a membership at a gym that keeps you to a fitness schedule, using a calendar and trying new things every week will work to help you quit smoking. It may be just for you. You’re used to schedules, right? (more…)
Triggers and Practicing Mini-Quits

One of the best things to help a person quit smoking is to begin to understand what the triggers are, that make you want to have a cigarette. It's a good idea to start a log. Some like to do more of a journal. It's up to you. When do I smoke? Why? Where? Do you smoke first thing in the morning? After you eat? In the car? At work? Keep a log of these times and why for about two weeks. Your body (brain) is either craving some nicotine or urges come at other times when you are angry, tired, hungry, etc. Get to know when it happens and why. (more…)
Teen Smokers

Experts say that the number of teens that have tried an e-cigarette has more than doubled from 2011 to 2012. A sad finding when there was actually a decline in teen smoking after 1997 and now with the introduction of e-cigarettes there is a big increase. E-cigarette smoking with teens has doubled from 3.3% in 2011 to 6.8% in 2012.
The attraction seems to be the flavored cartridges with options from fruit to mint. Called "vaping" by users it is a $5 million market last year and is expected to atleast double that this year. The e-cigarettes is a battery-operated product made to look like a regular cigarette or cigar that can contain varying amounts of nicotine, or none at all. This then turns the nicotine or other chemicals into a vapor that users inhale and keeps them from being exposured to the smoke of regular tobacco burning cigarettes which can release carcinogens into the lungs. It is hard to say whether the e-cigarette is actually safer than the regular cigarettes because no studies have given any conclusions as yet. One recent study found that e-cigarettes can cause increased resistance in the airways, making it harder to breathe, within minutes of inhalation of the vapors, while other studies have suggested the products can help smokers to quit. (more…)