Breathing Happy Author

Four Ways Rising Early Can Benefit You

As a student, I could not wait to sleep in on weekends. High school started before 7:15 and sleeping in was a privilege. In college, I had a 5:45AM nanny job to get to and classes from 9:10 on. After graduation, I started a work from home job with no scheduled hours, which meant that an alarm clock no longer had any place in my life – finally! So why, with a freelance career, have I decided to go back to getting up early? Read more

Tips For Meditation

When done correctly, meditation can be a way of dealing with stress, anxiety, or to simply relax. Practicing meditation regularly can help to increase concentration, and bring a general feeling of happiness for oneself. Several scientific studies have yielded results, suggesting that frequent meditation can help strengthen our immune systems, reduce blood pressure, and keep hormone levels stable. Read more

5 Rules for a Better Night Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors that influence human health, mood and the state of well being in general. Nevertheless, about a third of the world’s population complains about issues like sleep quality or insufficient hours of sleep. Here are a few rules that will help get rid of insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep: Read more

How to Use Affirmations for Self Improvement

Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, improve your eating habits, or otherwise change a negative habit into a positive one, using affirmations to support your personal self-improvement plans is a great way to change your inner self-talk.  Read more

General Hypertension Coping Tips

Again, I wish to start with the disclaimer that I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing my personal experience in dealing with my own hypertension without the need for prescription drugs. If you have a problem with your blood pressure, your first step to deal with it is to see your doctor. Read more

Great Ways to Prevent Depression

Amazingly, 18% of adults and 8% of adolescents in the United States are affected by some type of depression. It may not sound like much, but let’s put it another way: these percentages equal to over 40 million Americans! And the situation is not different in the rest of the world. Read more

How to Overcome Creative Blocks

There are different types of creative blocks, which are a cause of frustration to many. Included in the list is mental block, writer’s block, emotional barrier, among others. If you happen to be a creative professional (meaning you rely on your creativity to feed your family, pay for mortgage, and everything else), it can be dangerous. Read more

Rediscover the Calming Ritual of Tea Drinking

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Everyone at some point in the day loves to sit down with a warm cup of liquid in their hands, set aside their worries and thoughts and experience the quietude and warmth. What is it about tea drinking that this ritual is ubiquitous to human civilizations? Read more