Breathing Happy Author

Online Dating: Avoid These 6 Common Scams

Spring is in the air and many people’s thoughts are turning to romance. Internet dating is fast becoming the most popular way of meeting Mr. or Ms. Right, and whilst the vast majority of websites are careful to eliminate scammers, some fraudsters do make it past the checks. It’s really important to be aware of how potential scammers operate and the tactics they might employ so that you stay safe online. Read more

Going the Distance for Long Distance: Maintaining the Spark

One of the main reasons why relationships flourish is trust. It’s easy to build trust if you’re with your significant other constantly. But how can you do the same when you’re in a long-distance relationship? How can you keep the spark alive when you’re separated by a million miles of ocean from your loved one? Read more

Breathe Easier with Houseplants!

You may have heard before that plants produce oxygen and that indoor plants will improve the oxygen in your home. While this is partly true, it can be misleading to assume that house plants will fill your home with oxygen. Read more

Energy Drinks Could Short Circuit Your Heart

I used to drink an energy drink on a regular basis prior to going to the gym. It gave me motivation and stamina, so I could get a good workout. One morning I was really tired, so I drank a 24-ounce can of “Rockstar” on my way to work. After a couple of hours, my heart started racing and pounding like it was going to beat out of my chest. I have had “panic attacks” before, so I thought if I could calm down I would be ok. After fifteen minutes of non-stop heart pounding, I went to the emergency room. Read more

The Curious Case of Compatibilities When Choosing a Partner

Dating is one of those few games where a vast majority of us are going to make mistakes, ranging from frivolous to grave. But fortunately, we are allowed to make them; dating is a science which is not absolute and we are left with no other choice but to rely on the trial and error method, however erratic the method may be. Read more

Iowa House Bans E-Cigarette Sales to Minors

In a move that might send a powerful precedent to the world of e-cigarettes and vaping, the Iowa House voted 76-22 banning the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. One of the key points seeks to prevent vaping or e-cigarette inhaling from becoming an acceptable activity for minors. One can only imagine school children inhaling e-cigarettes inside their school buses as other children look on. Although there’s no research that proves that e-cigarettes can cause cancer, the presence of nicotine is a crucial issue as it is habit forming and addictive. As a father, I know fully well the bane of children developing bad habits. Read more

Preventing Environmental Allergies

The rates of allergies are increasing throughout the world these days, and the reasons are not fully known, although there are various theories.  Many of these allergies are environmental ones, so it is important to have some preventative strategies. Read more

Vitamin C for Colds

“Drink your orange juice!”

“Take vitamin C as soon as you feel a cold coming on.”

These are just a few of the things people tell you to do when you start to sniffle and sneeze. But does vitamin C for colds really work? Read more