Preventing Environmental Allergies


The rates of allergies are increasing throughout the world these days, and the reasons are not fully known, although there are various theories.  Many of these allergies are environmental ones, so it is important to have some preventative strategies. This type of hypersensitivity is an auto-immune disorder – an allergic reaction which occurs when someone’s immune system reacts adversely to some normally harmless substance in the environment. The substances which cause the reactions are called allergens, and there are dozens of these. The allergic reaction results in an inflammatory response in the body, which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous, and occasionally fatal (as in the case of anaphylactic shock).

Mild allergies like hay fever (hypersensitivity to airborne pollen from plants) are extremely common among a large percentage of people, and usually cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, red itching eyes, and can also cause hives and eczema, or an asthma attack. The most common environmental allergens are pollen, animals. insect stings, mould, household dust, cosmetics, and perfume. Here are some tips for coping with these environmental triggers, if you are a sufferer:

1) Keep all windows closed during the pollen season.

2) Air-conditioning or an air filtration system can actually remove mould-friendly moisture and filter out some allergens.

3) Wash your shower curtain monthly, to prevent mould build-up.

4) Identify cleaning products containing substances you may be allergic to.

5) Consider buying an ionizer.

6) Let the extractor fan run or open the window after your shower/bath. This will dry out the room and stop mould growing.

7) Use a carbon monoxide monitor.

8) Clean out your gutters. Clogged gutters may cause water to seep into your house leading to the growth of mould, which can exacerbate allergies.

9) Ask smokers to always smoke outside.

10) Use environmentally-friendly paint when decorating.

11) Hay fever: watch the pollen count. These often come with weather reports.

12) Stay indoors, if you possibly can, when the pollen count rises to high levels.

13) Try a little vaseline inside your nose – it should reduce symptoms.

14) Wrap-around sunglasses will help prevent pollen getting into your eyes.

15) When you are driving, try to keep the windows closed and in high-pollen season use the air-conditioning system to stop pollen coming into the car.

16) Keep bedroom windows and doors closed mid-morning and early evening – this is when pollen levels are at their peak.

17) Don’t go to places like parks and fields, especially during early evening.

18) If you have a lawn that needs mowing – get someone else to do it for you!

19) Don’t lie around on freshly-cut grass. Tempting, but a no-no!

20) When you come home, change into clean clothes and wash everything you were wearing outside.


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