Breathing Happy Member

The Importance of Maintaining Great Eye Health

Not many people focus on their eye health, unless they lose it. It’s the sad and honest truth about our health focus. Breathing happy means being able to see as well. We often forget to focus on our eyes when taking care of our overall health, but eye health is an important part of maintaining good quality of life in the long term. Read more

Give Your Metabolism a Boost

Think of your body as a car and your metabolism is the engine that keeps it going. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn and lose weight. Read more

Applying the Laws of Attraction

In this article, we’ll discuss using a powerful law of attraction based technique in relationships called “visualization,” which is so simple it’ll feel as naturally as day dreaming. If you’re familiar with the “law of attraction,” then this technique, which is basically simple day dreaming or fantasizing will be one you’ll enjoy using in every area of your life, including your relationships. Read more

Have You Ever Thanked Your Child?

Have you ever looked farther past your kids’ eyes, into that innocent and warm heart, and said “Thank you?” There’s so much to be grateful to your kids for, so much appreciation they deserve. Do you know that little munchkin running around is actually teaching you a thing or two? Maybe your little one is not a munchkin anymore. Maybe he or she is growing so fast before your very own eyes that you can actually see bits and pieces of your own image, your own being. Whatever the case may be, your kids are indeed a gift and blessing to be grateful for, in more ways than you realize. Here are a few things our kids teach us in our daily lives. Read more

5 Ways to Embrace Old Man Winter

Each and every October I feel the same mixed emotions. I love autumn. The beautiful colors, the comfortable temperatures.. even the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks! Behind that happiness though, the dark looming of the winter that will soon follow puts a chilly damper on my festive fall season. This year, I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and embrace the cold for a happier me this winter season. Here are some ways that you can cozy up to Old Man Winter this year! Read more

Is Drinking Wine a Key to Antiaging?

History of wine drinking culture, at least according to some historical sources, has its roots in ancient China (around 7000 BCE). Then, in time, it spread across the world and it was very important in many ancient cultures like Mesopotamian, Jewish, Egyptian, Greek and Roman, of course. Having the cult dedicated to wine in ancient Greece and in ancient Roman civilization speaks of wine importance all throughout the human history. Today, we enjoy wine just as much.

Beside the effect of altered consciousness caused by the alcohol, wine has some other effects that are proven to be good for health. This especially refers to red wine. Read more

Healthy Foods to Fight the Winter Blues

When the days get shorter and you’re stuck inside, it is easy to get winter blues. If you are feeling bored, don’t escape in unhealthy foods. Below are healthy foods you should reach for instead. Read more