Most Discussed
Stay Motivated!
Motivation is a psychological feature that makes a person do work to reach a desired goal and similarly controls the …
How to Make Volunteering a Way of Life
Today, 5th of December, the global community marks the International Volunteer Day (IVD). But, as is the spirit of volunteerism, …
Open Your Heart to Happiness
If you open your heart to the world, you are open to all potential options! Yes, risking staying disappointed, but …
Loving an Only Child
What is the definition of a partner? A partner is someone that you can work with and depend on, or …
How I Use Counter-Factual Thinking to Prevent Fear From Paralyzing Me
Thanks to an article called “Easy Activities Science Has Proven will make you Happier,” I’ve been able to add one …
10 Items Every Woman’s Wardrobe Should Have
The most common problem women have is getting ready, and somehow they are never on time. If you want to …
The Importance of Maintaining Great Eye Health
Not many people focus on their eye health, unless they lose it. It’s the sad and honest truth about our …
Give Your Metabolism a Boost
Think of your body as a car and your metabolism is the engine that keeps it going. The faster your …
Applying the Laws of Attraction
In this article, we’ll discuss using a powerful law of attraction based technique in relationships called “visualization,” which is so …
Have You Ever Thanked Your Child?
Have you ever looked farther past your kids’ eyes, into that innocent and warm heart, and said “Thank you?” There’s …