Most Discussed
Quit Smoking Membership: Scheduling Tricks to Help You Quit
Just like having a membership at a gym that keeps you to a fitness schedule, using a calendar and trying …
Triggers and Practicing Mini-Quits
One of the best things to help a person quit smoking is to begin to understand what the triggers are, …
Teen Smokers
Experts say that the number of teens that have tried an e-cigarette has more than doubled from 2011 to 2012. …
Writing Dreams and Quitting Smoking
As a freelance writer, one of the things I do these days involves writing short stories for Everybody’s got …
Time to Hold Myself Accountable… Oh wait. We’re Remodeling.
Step one is admitting you have a problem right? Well I’ve succeeded in doing that as from previous posts. But, …
Children Experiencing Divorce & Increased Risk of Smoking
Divorce is very stressful on all involved. Kids suffer in many ways when their parents divorce, even though there may …
Nicotine Addiction
Beyond a habit for most smokers, smoking it is an addiction. Nicotine changes the functioning and structure of the brain. …
Getting Off the Hook: 10 Tips to Help You Quit
As we all know, so many smokers are addicted to the habit, which is why it is so hard for …
When Quitting Becomes All Fun and Games
Anti-smoking games are self-medication. We actually have access to various types of games that can impactfully benefit us. But, do …
Quitting – The Journey Back To Health
When you're trying to quit, everyone keeps telling you how much better you'll feel and the benefits of being smoke-free …