Most Discussed
Getting Off the Hook: 10 Tips to Help You Quit
As we all know, so many smokers are addicted to the habit, which is why it is so hard for …
When Quitting Becomes All Fun and Games
Anti-smoking games are self-medication. We actually have access to various types of games that can impactfully benefit us. But, do …
Quitting – The Journey Back To Health
When you're trying to quit, everyone keeps telling you how much better you'll feel and the benefits of being smoke-free …
My Quit Date is Like… Right There.
It's day five since I posted about the bribery from my husband. As I sit here enjoying what will hopefully …
It’s Time
Time to feel positive about yourself. Time to not feel guilty about smoking outside at home or in the garage …
If I Died Today: A Poem About My Smoking
If I died today, would you even care? Probably not, but that's just life's fare If I died today, all …
News on Electric Cigarettes
The same governor who banned trans fats and tried to do away with large sugary drink, New Yorkcity governor Michael …
Baby Steps and Bribery
Day one of truly contemplating quitting smoking is happening. Right now. I am actually thinking I can finally do this, …
Smokin’ Soul
It’s really that important. Yes, the cancer. Yes, the hacking. Yes, the dentures. More than that though, I’m that important. I’m …
How Convenient Stores are Helpful in Eradicating Smoking
The law makes it so that many eager smokers aren’t able to obtain their nicotine. In its own way, closing …