Most Discussed
Walking to a Better Life With COPD
Experts say that even people with COPD still need to keep moving. The balloon-like sacs in the lungs have lost …
Smell the Flowers
Peace and calm awaits as you take a walk in the garden. Nature's finest beckons as you caress the leaves …
The Yellow Peril
As we all know, smoking is a most unattractive habit. It makes people less attractive in many ways, including the …
The E-Cigarette Industry and Why Regulation Will be Good
You know that a fad is becoming a full-fledged industry when: Mashable is writing about it When doctors, medical associations …
Two New Cigarette Products Being Okayed by the FDA
During a news conference June, 25, 2013 FDA commissioner Dr. Margaret Hanburg said that new tobacco products under FDA’s authority …
COPD and the BODE system
Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has to do with damage to the smallest breathing tubes …
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Breathing Happy is Branching Out
Many of you are here because you want to put down your smoking, or help someone who does. But here …