Quit Smoking By Going Electronic

PACKETS of conventional cigarettes don't lie: "SMOKING KILLS". The words scream out like no other public health warning but still millions risk their lives by continuing with their daily habit. It's a harsh fact that smoking tobacco is one of the main causes of cancer, especially lung cancer (more…)
Keeping A Positive Mindset

For anyone who has decided to stop smoking for good, they have made one of the best choices for a healthier life. The first few days may seem to fly by. After this, time may be challenging to say the least. You may need someone around with postiive words of encouragement or just to help you through the times you think of lighting up.
It is important as well to make sure you keep your mind on positive things such as the money you will be saving, the fact that clothing and your home will be free of smoke, etc. Find a hobby that will make use of the time otherwise spent smoking, such as a favorite hobby, creating something, writing, whatever. Find what you can do to keep your mind and hands busy. When you complete a project, reward yourself with a compliment!
Another way to stay positive, is when you feel the urge to smoke, take a small amount of change such as a quarter or a dollar, and put it aside for a week or two. Add up the total once the time comes and see how much you have saved. This will give you such a lift that you will want to continue putting that money aside. Before you know it, you will be bragging to family and friends!
The more you can do to stay positive, the more you can keep a positive mindset by doing other things. You will find a lot of support and postives all around. Create & post signs or encouragement around your home. Keep a diary. Congratulate yourself when you reach another milestone day of not smoking. Pretty soon you will find it becomes easier and your life will be brighter each and every day!
Let’s Look at it Logically

If you have children cigarette smoking can be a real problem for them. Second hand smoke can cause ear infections and bring on asthma attacks. These attacks can be so serious they may need to be hospitalized. For the love of our children lets keep the second hand smoke away. (more…)
Keep Smiling

Happy faces shine, especially when your teeth are bright and not stained from cigarettes and coffee.
Along with outward estetics, healty smiles require good hygene and abstinence from harmful substances like tar and nicotene and the umteen toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke.
Smoking casues gum disease, which leads to tooth and bone loss. . Although, it may not be possible to reverse the damages ceasing from this unsightly and wastefull habit will immediately improve your health.
Treat yourself to a deep cleaning with your dental hygenist and enjoy fresher breath and a happy smile from the inside out!
Quit smoking now. You CAN do it!
Buddy System

Last Friday, I did some research and talked a little about nicotine gum and the potential advantages. One of my fellow bloggers, RachelInIdaho, pointed out that you need more than one factor to help you quit smoking, that this gum by itself won't help you.
So, I wanted to make sure that I hadn't mislead anybody by my previous post. You can not depend solely on a product like Nicorette.
I know that everybody is mentally and physically different, so perhaps there are those few souls who can accomplish this. Maybe, you think you can be one of those people and you want to give it a shot; that's your choice, but I think it would be wiser to factor in other things that might help you.
This post is titled "Buddy System" because I think that has the potential to be a very important factor in someone's path to quitting cigarettes.
Either find someone you know who also wants to quit, or find a friend or family number who help keep you accountable. It can be so hard to do things on your own. You need people to talk with and share both your struggles and joyful moments.
My Grampa

My grandfather was a man of few words. Very few. He was rather unapproachable and always quite a mystery to me. At the age of five my parents had been divorced for sometime. I was living at my grandparent's place and my mother was working as a waitress downtown. (more…)
Quantum Wellness

Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston
Book Review
I think is book would be of extreme help to anyone trying to quit smoking. The author of this book had tried every thing available to help her quit the habit. She talks about all the ways people attempt to quit smoking and while what works for some does not always work for everyone.
Kathy Freston, was addicted to nicotine. She tried wearing the patch and acupuncture, hypnosis and attending smoking cessation classes,guided meditation and breathing exercises, and these things did not work for her because she was not paying attention to her feelings and observations of her own body. Then she began noticing how nicotine affects the body by aging your skin and hurting your lungs and hurting the immune system.
She then realized that unless she decided to want a healthy body and was willing to reach out and get help in the right ways, she would be dependant on nicotine for the rest of her life.
She began a plan which included, recognize you have a problem and be willing to change, connect spiritually and replace old habits, make yourself useful and start your path of healing, and rid your self of grudges.
In the book she explains in a easy to read manner how to lose addictive habits. It begins with many helpful choices as in prayer and meditation, nature walks and journaling, gardening and good books or movies, going to church or a temple, or any house of worship and breathing exercises, dancing or singing, doing artwork or going to a study retreat, or studying with a spiritual teacher, and lastly just talking with your friends and sharing your desire for quiting smoking.
One quote from this book you might find helpful is:
"We know we have an addiction when we find ourselves unhealthfully preoccupied by a substance, behavior, or person in such a way that our relationships, work, and health begin to suffer. You know you are addicted when your life revolves around something that severely diminishes your energy and yet you can't (or won't) stop it."
The book goes chapter by chapter, explaining how to break your dependance on bad habits and how to rebuild your health with good long lasting habits. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about trying to stop smoking.
When You Crave That Cigarette

Although, I have never smoked cigarettes, I know how it feels to crave something of which I know is not good for me, but I want it anyways. Whether it be food like chocolate or potato chips, or something stronger to drink, when the urge is there it is very hard to control it and tell myself "NO."
It has been said that smoking cigarettes removes vitamin C, an important antioxidant, from the body and there-by lowers your diease fighting immune system.
However, you can combat the cravings for a cigarette and increase your vitamin C, by buying chewable vitamin C tablets and choosing the vitamin over the cigarette. One can also choose fruits that are high in vitamin C, as well as, eating fresh vegetables and drinking homemade fruit and vegetable juices.
I am not saying beating that urge to smoke is going to be easy, we all know it is hard to break bad habits. But by improving your diet and choosing healthy snacks to avoid that chance at weight gain, that comes from not smoking, you will be on your way toward quiting smoking all together and improving your over-all health.
Healthy Breathing

Who of us have ever walked in a place that was filled with some type of odor (smoke, cooking, etc) and felt it was very hard to breathe or catch our breath? An ocean breeze, a spring day when the wind blows just slightly or walking outside on a sunny day is the best especially when (more…)
Nicotine Gum

I've seen a lot of commercials about Nicorette, but have never really known what it was. According to its website, this gum has a small amount of nicotine in it to help you wean yourself off the nicotine your body has become accustomed to while smoking.
The website provides a ton of helpful information to help you quit while using their nicotine (more…)