Little things make a difference

It was a normal day at work and I was trying to grab a bite at the crowded canteen. At about the same time I reached the counter, another worker too came nearby with his plate. Since I was furiously text-messaging, I didn't notice that the canteen staffer ignoring him started serving me first. (more…)
Goodness of The Greens Around You

Life is a busy and most of us spend our days shifting our focus from one activity to the other. Most of our days culminate by leaving us tired and often stressed about pending or some upcoming work. All this leaves us tired struggling for some sleep before another day starts. You may be a super mom trying to find a balance between home and work, or a dad doing the same job or else any human being who has some duties and responsibilities to fulfill. Sometimes you feel you are constantly trying to pursue one thing or the other so much so that we miss some moments that we could have enjoyed. One can make these moments special by becoming aware of the environment around us. (more…)
Travel – It’ll Transform Your Life for the Better

In his book Wild at Heart, John Eldredge stresses that man was made for the outdoors and is really an adventurer on the inside. No four walls can contain him and that there is always a desire in his heart and soul to travel and be one with nature. Such a statement really makes sense, because no activity in this world is quite as unique and challenging as traveling. It’s full of lifetime moments and overwhelming experiences. Every time you travel, you just get a sense and a feeling of being truly alive. (more…)
Preventing a Relapse When Quiting Smoking

For most people who smoke, the habit of smoking is intricately interwoven in their daily life. They light up a cigarette when they are happy, bored, excited, lonely, depressed or in company. Nicotine is addictive but what makes trying to quit smoking even more difficult is the psychological dependence smokers develop on their habit of lighting up a cigarette before confronting their life. (more…)
Five Ways to Quit Smoking

People who are trying to give up smoking can find it really difficult to control their cravings for tobacco. The urge can be too strong and not without reason. It is difficult to reduce and completely eliminate the dependency on cigarettes. This is why it is important to remember that no matter how strong the craving is, it is mostly short-lived and passes on quickly enough.
Here are five ways how you can control your tobacco cravings and lead a healthier life. (more…)
Memory: Curse of the Mind?

We all go through pain. Pain when someone dies, when someone leaves you, when your dog dies, when your mom scolds you and your best friend turns into your worst enemy. But having to go through numerous kinds of agony, there’s still beauty in pain. (more…)
A Tomato a Day Could Keep the Doctor Away

Despite the citizens of the United States of America having reached new levels of obesity in the past few years, an obsession with health has also come into prominence. Wherever we look, we’re confronted by advertisements for ‘detox juices’ and new diet crazes which promise to ‘reinvent’ your life. The current phase appears to be for gluten free diets and the usual crew: the Dukan diet, 5:2 diet and, of course, the infamous diet pills. However, it’s not just weight loss that we’re obsessed with; it’s the health benefits too. So, with celebrities and health guru’s alike raving about the new tomato pill, the main question is; does it actually work? (more…)
Acu-Yoga:Two Ancient Techniques Merge to Relieve Back Pain

Among the latest alternative treatments for back pain is acu-yoga. Acu-yoga is a blend of acupressure and yoga that work to restore vital energy. Acupressure is form of acupuncture that uses pressure points instead of needles. The yoga poses target acupressure points which helps to stimulate the blocked energy more. You can do these poses at home. (more…)
The All Amazing Olive Leaf !

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The amazing health benefits of the olive leaf have been known to man since the early Egyptians but it lost favor through the years. The age-old treatment is now back in the race again. The early Egyptians used it as part of the mummification process and scientists now understand what it can do. Olive leaves are high in an extract known as oleuropein. (more…)
The Undetected Danger During Pregnancy – Toxoplasmosis

There are many wonderful and joyous occasions that occur throughout a woman's lifetime, and one of those occasions is pregnancy. There is nothing more special than awaiting the arrival of a child, and, as all pregnant woman know, caring for your health and the health of the baby is a top priority. (more…)