Avoid Eating Late in the Evening

For working people is hard to find enough time to eat well during the day because of the daily activities and the various tasks that do all day.

The biggest mistake, causing gaining weight is eating in the evening.

Returning exhausted after work, we eat quickly and thoroughly, pour yourself extra amount with the excuse that you have not eaten all day Finish with dessert and then leaning comfortably on the couch, munching popcorn watching television. Error! (more…)

Upgrade Your Property to Meet Wellness Travelers Needs

More and more people are adapting healthy lifestyles and practices. This is becoming ever more popular for those who are looking to take a break from their busy schedules, monotonous and immobile lives. This situation has become a concern in the hospitality industry. This has triggered a huge demand and growth in the wellness travel and tourism industry. (more…)

8 Healthy and Delicious Nuts

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Nuts are a healthy essential to our eating habits. Nuts have a great amount of natural protein in them. Nuts can be a nice nutritional snack, Instead of eating those cakes and cookies for desserts. Honey roasted cashews, Honey roasted almonds can be a excellent food source  for sweet toothes out there. Here's a list of different variety of nuts for easy digestion. (more…)

What Are the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

The link between acupuncture and cosmetics is unique in every way. Acupuncture being an antique method of medicine has been extensively used over the past 2000 years and is still in use. On the other side of the hemisphere, this practice is very popular. This is now an alternative to insidious medical conditions and treatment. The interest in acupuncture has increasingly grown. (more…)

15 Unexpected Suggestions for People Who Are Too Bored with Life

Because of the fast track life we have, 3 minute instant noodles, one hit wonders, microblogging of non-sensible things and anything short on the side, people easily get bored and find something more exciting. I usually meet people who want to enjoy their Friday nights drinking, get wasted and sulk on emotions. (more…)

A Positive Change Removes Ages From Your Appearance

One fine morning you wake a little earlier and thus have some minutes to catch up with yourself. You look into the mirror and your reflection looks back at you with a smile. You notice some shades of grey and fine lines of wrinkles when you smile back. Your smile vanishes and all you are left is some more line of frown on your forehead. This realization dawns on everybody once in a lifetime and it definitely tends to depress you for a while. Does this sound familiar? (more…)

Effective Communication Strategies that Work!

In order to be successful in every facet of your life, from your personal life to your professional life, you need to master the art of effective communication. You need to learn how to talk, listen, write, and relate to other people. You also need to learn how to cope with conflict and how to inspire and encourage others. You must learn how to coax and persuade. Finally, you need to learn to care about (more…)

Tools to Increase Your Self-Esteem

Some days I feel happy with who I am. I smile at myself in the mirror and I am glad I am looking at me. (more…)

Time For Change Never Stop Working!

Have you ever been ready to give up on something, because it is no longer enjoyable? Working for a salary, which doesn’t cover the bills, an edgy relationship of non-stop fighting or arguing, or having children that zap almost every bit of energy out of you. Despite all those things, I believe you should not stop working at it, just change what you are doing. (more…)

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are nutritious traditional fruit which are said to be one of the favourites of Prophet Muhammad. It is said that in old times, Bedouins would rely on dates for sustenance and till date this tradition has been carried on. Many Muslims break their fast with dates and water which avoids overeating. An empty stomach absorbs nutritional value of dates and feelings of hunger is calmed down. Since it is Ramadan I thought to share some amazing benefits of Dates. (more…)