A Smaller Home Will Give You a Happier Life

In a world where more or bigger is considered better, only a few realize that having less is actually happier and more satisfying. If you are thinking of buying a new home, consider what benefits you can get from having a smaller one. You will be surprised that having a bigger house does not always mean you will be happier. In fact, you may find a smaller home will be able to give you a life that is fuller, happier, and more satisfying. (more…)

7 Reasons Why I’m a Bad Girlfriend

I had my first boyfriend at 24. When I met him two months before Christmas of 2013, I realized how empowered I was of being a woman. I was able to share with him all my comical stories of becoming this and that; giving out that piece of me I haven’t told anyone before. (more…)

How to Improve Productivity at Work

Feeling stressed out at work without accomplishing that much? Well, you may be working hard, but you are not working smart. A lot of times, we find ourselves swamped with daily tasks and stressed out with our deliverables. While time is a limited commodity, it's essential to find your rhythm at work and accomplish most of your goals without exhausting yourself all the time. (more…)

Pregnant and Want a Healthy Baby? Better Quit Smoking

Pregnancy is a phase in a woman’s life when it is essential for her to be as healthy as possible. A pregnant woman has to be concerned and responsible for the health and well being of both herself and her unborn baby. Doctors today are increasingly stressing upon the importance of prospective mother’s good health prior to conception. One such step towards better health involves quitting smoking even before becoming pregnant. When pregnant, giving up smoking is an absolute must. (more…)

No More Refined Sugar and Coca Cola!

Hi, I have a story to share with you. For several years, I consumed coca cola and sugary products everyday. Let me underscore that I consumed these products every single day! Literally, I was ingesting tons of refined sugar into my body, which damaged me. I could not control myself. (more…)

Ways to Find Your Daily Inspiration

A lot of times, we find ourselves stressed out at work, school, or personal lives. It's not just about the daily tasks and the work load, though. More than anything, it's about losing or being unable to find our motivation or inspiration. (more…)

If Happiness be the Question, What’s the Answer?

Happiness is a concept often used, misused, interpreted and misinterpreted. In the depths of our emotions, we juxtapose our happiness as a mere feeling and sometimes a derogatory term, which is equated simply with joy pertaining to material things that we want in our life. I would like to believe that happiness is a state wherein I am at peace with my own being. Whether external negative factors come into the picture, I have this fixed state that is not capable of being agitated. Dilemmas are inevitable, but the state should overshadow everything. (more…)

5 Dental Hygiene Mistakes You May Be Doing

When it comes to our daily dental hygiene, we may probably have different habits. But how sure are you that what you're practicing is a good one? Read on to find out 5 dental hygiene mistakes that you might be doing: (more…)

3 Exercises you Can Do to Relieve Stress

In today's world, there are a lot of us that deal with stress when it relates to related issues, family, jobs, and going to school. Stress is something that can cause anxiety and it can cause a lot of us to have low self-esteem as well. If you are like me, and you want to relieve stress here are three exercises you can do in order to relieve stress. (more…)

Five Tips to Overcome Emotional Eating

Food is a powerful part of our lives. It provides us with the nourishment our body needs, and gives us a reason to socialize with others. However, when we stop seeing food as fuel for our bodies, the food we eat can quickly become an unhealthy outlet for our emotions. Why are so many break up scenes in films, television shows and books depicted with someone indulging in their favorite treat? Because we are convinced that eating tasty foods will make us feel good, even when we know it's unhealthy. (more…)