10 Ways To Love Yourself

There’s an old psychologists’ cliché; ‘you have to love yourself before you can expect others to love you.’ There is a grain of truth in this; it’s much easier to be around someone who is ‘happy in their own skin’, to quote another cliché. But loving yourself isn’t always that easy and we all feel down and negative about ourselves from time to time. (more…)

To Mask Or Not to Mask: What the Science Says

Should I ware mask or not

As states reopen after stay-at-home orders, many are requiring face coverings in public places to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. The CDC and the WHO alike are now recommending masks for the general public. However, earlier on, both organizations said that we should not wear masks – a shift in opinion that may have helped confuse a lot of people about the efficacy of face coverings. However, the science is clear. Masks can help prevent the transmission of COVID-19, and the more people that wear them, the better.

Why did the CDC change its recommendation?

Back when the CDC was saying not to wear masks, the prevalence of COVID-19 was believed to be far lower than it actually is. For a disease that isn’t very common, it may not make sense to force a whole population to wear masks. However, we now know that the apparent low number of cases in the beginning was more likely the result of inadequate testing, providing a false sense of security.

Another concern was the limited supply of masks and the need to reserve them for healthcare workers. However, even when the supply of KN95 masks was panic-inducingly low, people could have been wearing cloth masks (even homemade ones) all along and, if they had, we could possibly be in a very different situation right now.

An increasing disease prevalence and a heightened awareness of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission are the two most likely reasons for the CDC’s change of heart. We now understand that viral load peaks before symptoms ever appear and that even normal speaking is enough to expel infected droplets – not to mention the fact that some people never develop symptoms at all, yet can still transmit the virus. For this reason, you cannot tell by looking at someone that they aren’t “sick.” Therefore, everyone should wear masks to protect both themselves and others around them.

Where is the evidence that the new guidelines are correct?

You may hear people say, “There is no evidence that wearing masks reduces transmission.” Don’t believe it. There is plenty of evidence to exactly the contrary, such as this review. If you aren’t convinced, here are an experiment and a peer-reviewed study that both show clearly that masks are effective at slowing the spread of infectious diseases.

However, the strongest evidence comes from the study of real-world environments. For example, one study compared the rate of transmission in over a dozen states before and after mask mandates. It concluded clearly that mask mandates do slow the spread of the disease. Another study examined the COVID-19 death rates in 198 countries and discovered that those with mask mandates or cultural norms that favored mask-wearing had fewer deaths.

There are also compelling case reports that strongly suggest that masks can keep people from getting sick even in high-risk situations. For example, one man with a dry cough flew from China to Toronto and then tested positive for COVID-19. However, he was wearing a mask, and none of the 25 people sitting closest to him contracted the illness. In another case, two Missouri hairstylists had contact with nearly 150 clients while they were sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore masks, and every client with whom they came into contact subsequently tested negative.

Who do masks protect?

Is your mask there to protect you or the people around you? Most experts agree that the biggest benefit is for keeping people with COVID-19 from infecting other people. However, you will still receive some benefit from wearing a mask, even if you are healthy. Masks can also prevent larger droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can remain in the air for longer and travel farther. And keep in mind that, as mentioned, you could be an asymptomatic carrier and not know it, so don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you aren’t sick, you don’t need a mask.

Does the type of mask matter?

While there have been studies that have compared various masks and materials, the top consideration for the general public should probably be comfort. That’s because the most comfortable mask is the one you’re most likely to wear consistently. N95 respirators are necessary only in medical scenarios. In general, surgical masks may be more effective than cloth masks, and they may feel lighter and more comfortable on.

The bottom line, however, is that any mask that covers your nose and mouth will help. Remember that the goal is risk reduction – not absolute prevention. If you are concerned that a mask may not be 100% effective – but it’s all you have – wear it. It’s almost certainly better than nothing. Consider this: if you have high cholesterol and your doctor recommends medication to help prevent a heart attack, you’ll most likely take it, even though you understand that this medicine does not prevent heart attacks 100% of the time. The idea is to reduce your risk – the same as with masks.

Are masks still necessary with social distancing?

There are three steps you can take that, together, dramatically lower your odds of contracting COVID-19: wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance. Of these three, wearing a mask is the most important thing that you can do. Unlike transmission through inhaled droplets, there is actually little evidence that contaminated surfaces are a major source of transmission. One final thought to keep in mind: your eyes are a potential source of transmission, and your mask doesn’t cover them. Therefore, it’s important to keep your distance from other people and to wash your hands before touching your face – even while wearing a mask.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Dealing with High Blood Pressure Without Medication – One Step at a Time, Starting with Breakfast

I must start with a disclaimer. I am not a doctor. While I have much knowledge and experience in holistic medicine, I am not attempting to replace your physician. If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), step one is to see your doctor.

That said, you may be wondering why I am writing this. I am scribing this mainly for two reasons. First, I have personally benefited from the suggestions I shall make here and, if the article is received well enough, future articles. Shortly after I turned 50. my blood pressure skyrocketed to 210/180! I am pleased to say that without any drugs, but by simply modifying my diet and lifestyle, I am now within normal limits. (more…)

Unusual Ways To Remember A Deceased Loved One

They say there’s only one thing certain in life and that is that one day we will all die. People seem to be taking an increasingly more upbeat view of death too with novelty coffins, themed funerals; lively pop tunes over traditional, downbeat hymns and even celebratory post-burial parties now becoming commonplace. Another increasingly popular trend is the move towards cremation rather than burial; but what about the ashes? (more…)

Who Is Slim in 6’s Debbie Siebers?

Before picking any personal trainer, you should get to know a little about them, their qualifications, and their method and style. Just because somebody works at the biggest, most expensive gym in town doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about—after all, they could be the owner’s grandson, or the manager’s wife. (more…)

4 Ways to Relieve Stress by Letting Go of Fantasy

Now I know you may be thinking, “Well why would I want to deny my imagination?” and that’s not what I am alluding to here. What I mean by stating that one will relieve stress by denying fantasy is that one will relieve stress by denying themselves the opportunity to believe in things which have no realness. (more…)

6 Ways to Release Stress Every Day

As we travel through our every day schedules we are frequently confronted with impediments and tests which can prompt some level of anxiety and nervousness. So to end up more loose and free of pressures it is significant to split far from your customary routine and discover approaches to de-stress. (more…)

The Many Advantages of the Infrared Non-Contact Digital Thermometer

Infrared digital thermometer

If you’ve been to a doctor’s office lately, you have most likely had your temperature taken with an infrared non-contact thermometer – or, if you work in a doctor’s office, hospital, or another type of medical setting, then you have perhaps been the one taking temperatures. Either way, almost everyone has encountered one of these thermometers at some point during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their use is only going to increase. That’s because being able to take accurate body temperature measurements and avoiding contact with others are two things that have never been more important.

At Breathing Happy, we recognize the need for tools that protect workers, patients, clients, customers, and even families in their own homes who want to monitor their health and stay informed of any new symptoms. Our new Infrared Non-Contact Forehead and Ear Digital Thermometer is designed to do just that: help protect everyone who uses it.

The Details

The Breathing Happy Infrared Non-Contact Digital Thermometer is made from anti-bacterial ABS plastic for sturdy yet lightweight construction. It provides highly accurate one-second body temperature measurements, allowing you to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius readings. The high-quality OLED display features a backlight for easy nighttime use, a “silent mode” option, automatic shutdown after ten seconds, and 32 memory readings to help you keep track of your temperatures. The thermometer measures 7x5x5 in., so it’s easy to store or transport.

This thermometer weighs 97 grams without batteries; it requires two AAA batteries to operate. It will quickly and accurately measure body temperature from a distance of three to five centimeters. It can measure body temperatures between 32C/89.6F and 42.9C/109.22F. It is Ce, ISO, ROHS, and FDA certified, so you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you are using a safe and reliable product.

The Difference

Does it really matter what kind of thermometer you use? It sure does. One of the biggest advantages of infrared non-contact thermometers is that they record body temperatures without ever making contact with the person’s skin, making it a safer and cleaner option than a thermometer that goes inside the mouth or otherwise makes physical contact with the person. These thermometers also work well for a wide variety of applications, from regular home use to doctor’s offices to hospitals to businesses of any kind that want to ensure that no one with a fever comes inside in order to protect all of their customers and employees.

Infrared thermometers also contain no mercury – an important point for anyone who wants to limit their exposure to the toxic metal and ensure that they aren’t using a thermometer that can be broken and spill it out onto their skin or into their environment. If you’re looking for a thermometer that provides faster results, is more accurate, and is safer to use, the choice is clear. The Breathing Happy Infrared Non-Contact Forehead and Ear Thermometer is the answer.

Tips For Gorgeous Summer Hair!

No matter how carefully you care for your crowning glory, the weather can wreak havoc with your hair and summer time is probably the most damaging season of all. Dandruff, itchy scalp and dry, dull tresses are problems that those lovely long beach days bring. Keep your hair looking lustrous and beautiful all summer long with these top tips. (more…)

Harnessing The Rage: The Art of Anger Management

I think we would all agree that anger management is very important, especially if you are a naturally irascible person. Anger is a normal human emotion, something that we all experience from time to time. It's normal, but as we all know it can be extremely destructive and frightening, so it is important to know how to handle it. (more…)