Danny’s War Against Smoking – Day 1: Know Your Enemy

Make no mistake about it. The enemy is within, the enemy is me.
As I wake up today, with a fresh yearning for that which poisons me, I realized something that is profoundly true: my own enemy is none other than myself. (more…)
Passive Smoking Killed The Famous Entertainer

The late, great British entertainer Roy Castle (1932-1994) died of smoking-related disease, despite being a non-smoker. He was a very talented all-round performer: a tap dancer, actor, comedian, jazz trumpet player, singer and television presenter. (more…)
Finding Support in Your Close Ones

One of the most important things when you are fighting with a smoking addiction or with any kind of addiction is to be aware of what are the benefits of quitting. If know that smoking cessation is difficult, but it will bring you a lot of advantages, then it will be easier for you to fight your cravings and to keep going until (more…)
The Traps We Call Pharmacy Stores

Every time you go out, you come home with a pack of cigarettes. It’s because your daily routines aren’t keeping you away from the addiction. Start there to make a long term change. These are really convenience stores, because they conveniently are open early and they close late. This means there’s no rush or (more…)
Smoke Free Life Step Program Step 1

I am not a smoker but volunteer at the Veterans hospital near my home. One program the hospital offers wounded veterans is the change to quit smoking. Recovery is hard and the pressure of losing a limb is harder. Working with and helping young veterans recover is rewarding seeing them stop smoking and learn to walk again. The hospital I volunteer at has a unique approach to help veterans stop smoking and overcome their handicaps. I have worked with some of these young men and seen the success the hospital has carried out. I would like to share the steps to recovery with you.
Quitting smoking is a personal goal that one reaches at some point in their life. Deciding to kick the habit is for personal reasons. If you decide to quit it has to be your idea to achieve your goal. Looking back what started you smoking, why did you light the first cigarette? Like so many smokers peer pressures in school. To fit in with the "in crowd" you needed to be like them.
Quitting smoking is not going to be easy we know this. This is a habit and habits are hard to break. Habits form overtime nobody's born with them. For some reason you developed this habit and other ones as you grew older. Now your minds programmed and the first step is changing this program. Like a computer the program carries out commands to run the program. The programmer writes machine language code that tells the CPU what to do. You write your own code telling your brain what to do.
The first step in reprogramming behavior habits identifies the habits. Before anyone can reprogram old habits you have to identify them. Habits come natural to you and performed daily. Identifying these habits and reprogramming them is the first step to achieving your goal. Have you ever stopped smoking only to start again? If you answered yes you did not identify your behavior habits first.
Step 1 identifying your behavior habits
The first step in achieving your goals deals with understanding automatic behavior habits. Each day the routine starts when you wake up. What do you do first? This routine is automatic and comes natural to you. Your pack of cigarettes sites on the nightstand table next to your bed. Wake up and reach for a cigarette, light your cigarette, find the ashtray, go to the kitchen, make coffee, and wake up the children. You have performed this routine for the last fifteen years. The routine is automatic and needs no thinking on your part.
Identifying your behavior habits is the first step in changing them. Each day keep a log of habits performed as a routine. Start with waking up in the morning, coffee, breakfast, work, lunch, and evening routines. Keep the logs for two weeks noting down the time of day and what you did. Note each time you light up a cigarette and what you were doing that caused you to smoke. Be attentive to what you doing during the day. By the end of the week you can start to see a routine forming. By the end of the second week the routine is the same.
The routine programmed into your brain like a set of instructions programmed into a computer. You no longer think about your routine it becomes natural to do this each day. Behavior change is hard and breaking the old routines is harder. To achieve your goals of stop smoking you have to break the pattern. You have to reprogram your way of thinking and redesign your routine.
When writing a program or designing a house the plan is the first stage. Gathering information to form your ideas and thoughts is the first stage. You have thought about quitting for years but each time you try you fail. The addiction and the preprogrammed daily routine stop you from reaching your goals. Programs that aid in helping smokers quit suggest that you write a list of reasons you want to quit. Personally this is good but will not help to solve the problem. To succeed changing the routine that comes natural to you is the first step.
Tonight before going to bed put a notebook and pen beside your bed next to your cigarettes. When you wake up and light your cigarette note down the date and time in the notebook. Continue your log during the day noting down each time you light up a cigarette. Before going to bed create a spreadsheet and enter this information. This can help in tracking and seeing a pattern. As the days follow and the information gathered look at the times you smoked a cigarette. You should start to see patters forming and see that you have to have a cigarette with coffee.
Stage one is the fact gathering stage. Gather facts and analyzed the facts to see the patters they form. Once we understand the patters formed and identified only then change happens. It is hard to change habits programmed into your brain that you have been doing for years. To move to stage two identifying your behavioral habits is first.
The second stage will follow. Each new entry will add one step to the program. I am composing a series of posts in stages to help people stop smoking.
See Things Clearer and Quit Smoking (Or Vice Versa)

I’ve met fearless smokers who are fully aware of the long term effects of smoking, which include death.
Even that fatal result doesn’t persuade them to quit. But when you consider figuratively dying, remaining quite alive and losing the physical processes that make your heart beat, --your mind may change. After all, we cherish our five senses. We are dependent on them for so much, but (more…)
A Healthier Cigarette?

When I heard there are organically grown tobaccos, I wondered if there is anything good about that. I don't smoke, but I am a proponent of organically grown crops for multiple reasons: because they do not use human-made chemicals such as synthetic pesticides, they are better for me and my children; they also pose fewer health risks to workers who grow and handle them since workers would not be exposed to many of the substances that are used on conventional (more…)
Radioactive Substances in Cigarettes: Quit While You Still Can

Everyone knows that cigarettes are dangerous. But few people are aware of how damaging they really are. If you ask a smoker about the substances contained in cigarettes, most of them will tell you about nicotine. Maybe they don't know about the rest 598 allowed substances in cigarettes. Or they don't even care. (more…)
Thanks, Dad!

When I was little, one of the most fun things I remember with Dad was standing on his feet while he walked around pretending to look for me. Also when I was growing up, my dad smoked a pipe. Most of the time he would go outside or in the garage, so it didn't seem like it impacted us kids much. He was a high school teacher, and back then (the olden days!), teachers could smoke in their offices! Hard to imagine, now, isn't it! (more…)
Japanese Smokers Feel the Pressure

Several years back I had the pleasure of visiting Japan and China. Japan is one culture that respects the rights of others. As you stroll down the street you will not see people with a cigarette in hand. The first day I was in Japan I noticed how quiet everyone was on the street. You did not hear people talking with each other. What you saw instead was everyone had a cell phone in hand and was reading and sending text messages. (more…)