Diet Tips for Dry Facial Skin


Are you bothered by drying of facial skin that just never seems to give up? While persistently dry facial skin can be a real hassle, there are methods that you can take to do effective battle with it. Dry skin is actually a very common skin type where the skin does not produce enough oils to stay hydrated. As a result, it can make the skin look duller, more mature and it can make it flaky and gross. If you are sick and tired of seeing that boring and dry skin face mocking you in the mirror each morning, it may be time to rethink what you are eating. After all, there is some truth to that old time adage that “we are what we eat.” With this in mind, here are some foods that can help to revive that dry facial skin.

Balance your food intake

Make sure that you are eating a healthy, well-balanced and interesting diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meats, nuts and seeds. Increase your intake of raw foods that are vegetables, and ensure that you are getting plenty of raw food proteins in daily as well.

Increase your sulfur intake

It is necessary to include adequate sulfur in your diet. Sulfur intake can help improve the production of collagen production and also help keep your skin looking young and beautiful. Good foods that are rich in sulfur include eggs, asparagus and onions. Consume the foods regularly to reduce dry skin and to restore the glow and youthful shine of your skin tone.

Eat more orange and yellow vegetables

Orange and yellow vegetables are loaded with beta-carotene, a free-radical hunter and a very potent antioxidant. Carrots and squash are great vegetables for ingesting this key skin-friendly antioxidant.

Add flax seed oil to more foods

This oil can be dabbed on bread as a dipping sauce, used in salads for dressing and even used as your cooking oil. It’s bursting with fatty acids omega-3 alpha linoleic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid. The body will convert these acids into a hormone called Prostaglandins, which will work to support the good health of your skin.

Get more vitamin A and vitamin C

You can get vitamin A and vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, apricots and green leafy vegetables. Consume more wheat germ as well, which contains pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which helps keep your skin looking youthful.

Don’t forget the dairy product

In general, milk and dairy products are recommended for treating dry skin. Consumption of milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt, butter, and cheese will provide your dry skin with calcium and vitamin D that is necessary for healthy skin.

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