How to Overcome Creative Blocks

There are different types of creative blocks, which are a cause of frustration to many. Included in the list is mental block, writer’s block, emotional barrier, among others. If you happen to be a creative professional (meaning you rely on your creativity to feed your family, pay for mortgage, and everything else), it can be dangerous. Read more

4 Ways to Relieve Stress by Letting Go of Fantasy

Now I know you may be thinking, “Well why would I want to deny my imagination?” and that’s not what I am alluding to here. What I mean by stating that one will relieve stress by denying fantasy is that one will relieve stress by denying themselves the opportunity to believe in things which have no realness. Read more

6 Ways to Release Stress Every Day

As we travel through our every day schedules we are frequently confronted with impediments and tests which can prompt some level of anxiety and nervousness. So to end up more loose and free of pressures it is significant to split far from your customary routine and discover approaches to de-stress. Read more

Harnessing The Rage: The Art of Anger Management

I think we would all agree that anger management is very important, especially if you are a naturally irascible person. Anger is a normal human emotion, something that we all experience from time to time. It’s normal, but as we all know it can be extremely destructive and frightening, so it is important to know how to handle it. Read more

Are You Destroying Your Health by Ruminating?

Racing thoughts are not only an annoyance but can actually harm your health. Rumination is the act of deep thought. It tends to occur when you are alone and not actively engaged in a task. The history behind this interesting thought process stems back to our early ancestors. Read more

The Illogical Fear of Death

Death is a concept that seems, on its surface, concrete and finite–easily defined and described. The best definition we humans–who admittedly do not understand most things about the universe around them–can propose is in fact a simple one; the end of a life, or when a living thing ceases to live. Read more

How To React To Crisis Situations

When things go wrong in life, it’s easy to feel despair and become despondent. The truth is, a turn of events can come along and just knock us so hard we feel like giving up. Read more

13 Virtues in a Regular Cycle of Self-Improvement

One of my all time favorite American heroes is Benjamin Franklin. Although not a perfect person by any means, with his historic profile showing a rather hefty man for his time, which we now call obese, Franklin was a known problem solver and a visionary beyond his time as well as a dedicated patriot. Read more