36 WAYS TO REDUCE STRESS Some angel said, ‘Never borrow from the future. Otherwise, if you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn’t happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.” Read more
Gripping Your Emotions and Mastering Them!
As a woman, sometimes I can find it hard to control what I am feeling. This of course mostly contends with negative emotions, with feelings of worthlessness or feelings of hopelessness. Often times when a woman cries but does not know why they have a hard time controlling these emotions. Read more
Achieving Personal Development with a Winning Attitude
Kick Your Bad Habits
The other day, my peaceful moment of reading in a nearby park was greatly disturbed when one of the two passersby made a loud snorting noise and subsequently spitting out into the drain. “How Rude!” I thought to myself. The culprit was nonchalant and so was his friend. So, a thought popped up in my mind; “Why are they acting so normal for doing something as ill-mannered as snorting and spitting in public place? Read more
Thoughts on Developing Yourself
Personal development is concept used for many different ways to improve yourself in society, career wise and socially. Many sites offer you different plans on how to personally develop yourself. They all claim to be the best technique to personally develop yourself. But the problem with personal development and social media is the development still remains personal. Read more
Getting Out of My Own Way
I’ve recently taken a “leap of faith” and left a secure job of twenty four years of service. My career allowed me comfortable living and great benefits, but little satisfaction when it came to “making a difference.” If we’re all here for a purpose then I knew deep down that the job I had all those years was NOT my purpose. I needed to explore and learn who I was. Read more
Time For Change Never Stop Working!
Have you ever been ready to give up on something, because it is no longer enjoyable? Working for a salary, which doesn’t cover the bills, an edgy relationship of non-stop fighting or arguing, or having children that zap almost every bit of energy out of you. Despite all those things, I believe you should not stop working at it, just change what you are doing. Read more
5 Tips for Improving Your Happiness in the Workplace
Most people spend more than fifty percent of their days within the workplace. When you’re not sleeping, most of your week seems to be dedicated to the daily grind of a nine-to-five routine, and although you may consider your commitment to work to be a necessary requirement in maintaining your lifestyle, making an active decision to improve your happiness at work could project benefits onto your entire life. Read more
Losing to Ourselves: The Truth About the Path We Call Life
Sometimes, on our path to destiny, our soul loses its foundation; it dwells in the darkness of its own hate and deceit. You lose sight of everything around you, what you want, what you need, who you are, and where you want to be. You’re blinded by the devil himself and you can’t see the light, no matter which way you look. Read more
Calm Before the Storm: Launching a New Life
As I sit on the threshold of my inherent new beginning, I am poised for the magnitude of the opposition that I am facing and have faced time and time again. However, what is so clearly different this time around, is my personal projection of my own sense of failures down through the years. These failures are directly attributed to my lack of confidence in part, and unfortunately, an idle admission of my own low self- esteem as well. Read more