5 Steps to a Beautiful Yoga Practice

Yoga is one of those exercises that people generally assume to be floofy and unstrenuous on the body. And those people are wrong. To the untrained eye, the various poses are far from the feats of agility and strength they truly are. However, no matter the level of practice, yoga can get stale and become boring. With a few minor additions, though, your yoga practice can be revitalized into something far more beautiful. (more…)

Sleep Killers – Can’t Sleep? Reasons & Solutions

In today’s busy world, many people are sleep-starved. The majority of them would trade their day off for a good night's sleep. The lack of sleep hurts your health and some of the diseases linked to it are obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. (more…)

A Long List on How to Hold that Anger

I was in my teenage years when I realized that I developed a lot of hatred to almost everyone around me. I thought that by hating, I will automatically magnetize people to come and rescue me from all my hatred and fears. I value the people around me, but my doubts brought me closer to just hate and see who will stick with me. In the course of my adolescence, I was just a lost and curious sheep; waiting to be saved. (more…)

Brain Mapping

Humankind is undoubtedly referred to as the most incomprehensible yet intelligent living being on earth. The incontestable force that lies behind this fact is the human brain known for its ideal phenomenon called human consciousness which is the centre of all human thoughts and actions. Science and technology, always seeking pragmatic solutions and explanations to the human condition, grab increasing attention recently for a new phenomenon termed brain mapping. (more…)

Maintaining a Skinny Figure: is it always the Key to a Healthy Life?

The dimensions of defining health and fitness have largely been viewed in terms of maintaining a skinny figure. Recently, this situation has given rise to many confusions and disputes with the growing preoccupation for maintaining a skinny figure irrespective of one’s age. Whether this obsession is the only means of leading a healthy life is a fact worthy of studying. (more…)

5 Facts on Personal Development

In today’s society many individuals believe in personal development. Personal development is a process in which individuals learn more about their skills, goals and their personal values. These personal developments can be anything that you decide you would like to change about yourself. Every day of your life without knowing it you are unconsciously working and making changes in your life to achieve these goals and bettering yourself. (more…)

Looking Your Best for Wedding Photos

Your Wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. Requiring detailed preparations which sometimes takes months. You need to think about the place, the music, the guests, the food, the decorations, you name it. In the end, when the very day comes, you are either too tired, too nervous or too ecstatic to notice and memorize everything that is happening around you. You wish that all goes well and that everyone, you in the first place of course, are pleased and enjoy themselves. So, when the dust settles and you finally have time to relax, how will you recapture all the details you missed? (more…)

Get Rid Of Clutter and Let Go

First rule of Feng Shui is to get your home clean and clutter-free. Even if you do not believe in the ancient Eastern philosophical system for putting order in your life and acquire all your desires, this one rule is psychologically approved too. Piles of clutter around the house, old items, which you don't throw away, and all those times you got late for work just because you couldn't find your favourite lipstick, or tie. (more…)

GMO or “GM-NO”

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are bio-engineered group of plants and microorganisms. GMO goal is to aid scientific research in increasing productivity. Currently, there are GMO products all around the market. GMO offers significant benefits to the producers, in terms of cost, but can be a death toll for the consumers. (more…)

Clear Your Mind With Meditation

In our busy day-to-day lives it is easy to forget how important it is to stop and enjoy the moment.  Many of us are conditioned to overwork which leads to stress, a bounty of health issues and sometimes even death!  Although it can be a difficult concept to embrace, the action of staying idle and doing nothing may solve a plethora of life's problems.   (more…)