What You Need To Know About Skincare
The skin is an important part of the body since it provides protection to all the body parts. However, one may ask the particular kind of protection that the skin provides. There are several things that the skin is able to protect the body against, one of which is injury and damage to vital parts by cushioning the entire body. On the other hand, the skin through its pores helps in the elimination of toxic wastes from the body. With just these few mentioned uses of the skin, it is true that the skin is indeed an important part of the body one cannot survive without. (more…)
What Does Fall Taste Like?
Here in Atlantic Canada, the month of August this year has felt more like late September than the second half of summer. We seemed to skip over the hot August nights and warm sunny days typically spent in and around the coastal waters that are very much a part of our souls in this part of Canada. Many conversations lately have focused on this unusual weather pattern. It has given us cause to skip ahead in our thoughts, turning attention (albeit prematurely) to the many delights that captivate our imaginations and taste buds in these waning days of summer. This has led me to ponder – What does fall taste like? (more…)
Five Ways to Fight Depression – They Worked for Me!
More than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. It’s a serious problem and one that shouldn’t be ignored. Whether it’s you or a loved one who is suffering from depression, it’s crucial that you find ways to treat it as soon as possible. Depression is like a vacuum that sucks in your energy. It also sucks hope out of you so that you are unable to do the very thing you need to do to defeat it. The good news is that depression is not an undefeatable foe. By making deliberate choices to feel better, you can actually overcome it. (more…)
You are Beautiful
The worst thing you could ever hear from someone is these three words: “You are ugly.” I’ve heard this statement for a number of times already, most especially during my preparatory years in school. (more…)
Cycling for Life – Going Green through Bike Commuting
People from all over the world are only beginning to discover the many benefits of bike commuting, but things are looking up as time goes by. In some cities in the United States, there are already a good percentage of trips made by bike, and perhaps it's a result of people finally realizing that the supply of oil is limited, and that there are environmental consequences to excessive use of cars. If you're not into it yet, here are three compelling reasons why you should start cycling for life. (more…)
Diet Tips for Dry Facial Skin
Are you bothered by drying of facial skin that just never seems to give up? While persistently dry facial skin can be a real hassle, there are methods that you can take to do effective battle with it. Dry skin is actually a very common skin type where the skin does not produce enough oils to stay hydrated. As a result, it can make the skin look duller, more mature and it can make it flaky and gross. (more…)
Feeling Stressed? 5 Simple Ways To Relax And Feel Better
Stress forms a common part of daily life for many people and it usually occurs when you start perceiving that the demands placed on you are more than what you can be able to deliver. (more…)
All Because of Them
The day before I turned 26, I posted this Facebook status, “After tomorrow, I will be 4 years from 30 with hardly anything to show for it.” (more…)
Summer Fruits – A Recipe For Good Health
Summer offers a rich menu of fruits that refresh and tone the body. And the best part is that the more you eat, the better you feel. Summer berries are an excellent recipe for good health. Summer fruits are good not only for the figure but also the health of the body. They cleanse the body of toxins and well-tried remedy for irregular stomach. (more…)
Breathing New Life Into Your Marriage
Marriage is bliss, and there’s nothing more special or beautiful than building a lasting union with someone you love. But after a while, everyday routine can become grating, work can be grueling, and we get robbed of the opportunities we once had to fan the flames of the relationship. So how can we reignite the spark that seemed to burn so brightly at the start of the marriage? (more…)