Those Gray Hairs

We all have grandparents or for the most part have seen someone with a head full of gray hair. Some of us younger folks, chuckle at the thought that someday our hair may do the same. Others are determined to make sure their hair never turns gray. However, this past weekend I learned quite a bit about those silver strands that grow beautifully on older folk’s heads. (more…)
Being Held Back No More

Not knowing what to do or where to go to change what is happening. Some say stay, others say go and determining what is best, is becoming harder and harder. Wanting to complete school in a hurry, find a job and provide a better life for my family are all on my to-do list. However, the time to do these things is slowly passing by. (more…)
Getting Out of My Own Way

I've recently taken a "leap of faith" and left a secure job of twenty four years of service. My career allowed me comfortable living and great benefits, but little satisfaction when it came to "making a difference." If we're all here for a purpose then I knew deep down that the job I had all those years was NOT my purpose. I needed to explore and learn who I was. (more…)
Loving Yourself.

What does your body want? What does it need? What should it have?
Have you ever thought what do i want what do i need stop and think how many times will you get to live? How many times will you get to enjoy living? (more…)
The Power of Good Music

I have found one good way to breathe happy is through the power of good music. I like to listen to easy listening music that paints an image of being on a beach or near an ocean. I like songs that were popular in the 1950 and 1960s. A song like "What A Wonderful World" that was sung by the late Louis Armstrong helps a lot to feel happier. A happy song helps you feel better. Another good way to breathe happy I found was looking at comedy programs that make you laugh. (more…)
8 Ways to Recharge Yourself This Weekend

As Friday arrives, rest and relaxation are top of your mind. However, most of the time weekend leaves you with a tired Monday then you were on Friday. Therefore, instead of escaping from the workday activity, try to free yourself from stress and responsibility. Partying full weekend may seem good at the moment, but remember you have returned to the work-pressures on Monday. (more…)
Supplements and You

Supplements, or dietary supplements to be more specific, is a term that is thrown around more and more frequently, and is something in which we should all gain a thorough insight into. A daily supplement is something that, as the name quite plainly suggests, it taken daily as a way of supplementing an individual’s diet. As they become more popular, they are getting easier to purchase and as well as the pharmacy and health stores, they are now also available online. (more…)
The Happiness Project

For the longest time, I have never found the perfect set of joyful activities that goes well with my personality. I am an impulsive extrovert who loves doing things without a particular plan. On the onset, I am very fond of adventures and I fancy the simplest of things like taking pictures of random events, people and places. (more…)
7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Locally Grown Food

We're all guilty of this, we can't seek to blame the big grocery stores, but lets face it, we love to pay less for fruits and veggies. All of the big stores offer fruit and veggies straight from South America. Nothing against South Americans but the truth is it most likely to at least a month for the products to get into the local store. Chances are it's sprayed pretty heavily. (more…)
What to Eat for a Better Brain Preformance?

Not many foods actually boost neurogenesis which is a process by which neurons are generated. Studies have shown that the learning process is associated with increased neuronal survival.
So what can we eat to keep a healthy brain? Here are some specific food research has shown that help improve cognitive performances: (more…)