Gorgeous Hairstyles Meant for Weddings

A special day requires you to look your absolute best, especially if you’re the blossoming bride. Searching for a hairstyle sure is easier than finding your soul mate, so whether you are a bride-to- be, a maid of honor, one of the bridesmaids or simply a wedding hobbyist slash fanatic, these hairstyles to be presented will bring out a beautiful look that is just perfect for weddings and walking down the aisle. (more…)
Bath Recipes to Promote Wellness

Baths are nature’s way of relaxing us and making us feel better. After a stressful day at work a hot bubble bath always feels good. This not only relaxes us but also takes the stress of the day away. Soaking in a tub of hot water relives anxiety, emotional fatigue and tension. Add whole herbs to the water for added comfort and relaxation. (more…)
The Illogical Fear of Death

Death is a concept that seems, on its surface, concrete and finite--easily defined and described. The best definition we humans--who admittedly do not understand most things about the universe around them--can propose is in fact a simple one; the end of a life, or when a living thing ceases to live. (more…)
Benefits of Small Group Exercising

Physical fitness is undoubtedly one of the most important concerns for many, especially considering the rampant and overt obesity problem in the United States. People of all ages should be working to improve their physical and mental health by staying as active as possible. Exercising in small groups can be very beneficial to anyone for a number of different reasons. (more…)
5 Signs You’re Ready to Get Married

Are you considering settling down with your better half and building a life together? Whether you’re at the age where a lot of your friends seem to be tying the knot, or you’re considering your second (or third or fourth) marriage, how do you know it’s the right decision? Here are five signs that you are truly ready to marry your partner and not just giving in to peer pressure.
1. You’re planning a marriage – not a wedding
Of course you’re excited about the wedding itself. It’s a big fun party that all your friends and family come to. Depending on your preferences, there may be music, flowers, food, gifts, perhaps even a theme. You may be furiously planning your rehearsal dinner, venue, decorations, cake, welcome bags for guests, and all the other fun details of planning a wedding. But is this why you’re excited about getting married? Remember that, while your wedding will last a few hours, your marriage will last for the rest of your life. Plan for that part first, and if you’re still all in, then feel free to start planning the party.
2. You know why you want to get married
People get married for a lot of different reasons. Some people are excited about having a big wedding. Some just feel it’s what they “should” do and want to be able to say they’re married. Some feel lonely or otherwise unhappy and feel that marriage is a solution. Some are pressured by their partners; others find themselves unexpectedly expecting. In and of themselves, these are terrible reasons to get married. Ask yourself what benefits you will get from marrying your partner as opposed to continuing your relationship the way it is now. Make sure that you and your partner trust each other, love spending time together, know each other very well, have similar goals, and know how to fight fair before saying yes.
3. You know and trust your partner deeply
As mentioned, it’s essential that you know and trust the person you’re considering marrying on a deep level. It’s not about how long you’ve been together. Just because you’ve been dating someone for five years doesn’t necessarily mean that you know them through and through. Before you get married, you should know your partner’s past as well as their hopes, dreams, and goals; likewise, they should know yours. Make sure that you know their shortcomings and still love them. (Spoiler alert: if you think your partner is perfect, then you don’t know them well enough to marry them.) You should also trust your partner completely. If you don’t, there’s work to do before you get hitched.
4. You have no interest in changing your partner
No one is perfect, and again, if you think your partner is, then something’s wrong. However, you should not only know them very well but also love them exactly as they are now. Marrying someone hoping that they will change is a huge mistake. Don’t think for a second that marriage will change them – it won’t. If anything, marriage is likely to exacerbate any existing issues in your relationship, not fix them. A wedding will not heal a rift, nor will it magically make your partner want to have kids, exercise more, do more housework, or get a better job – no matter what they say. Can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with the person you’re with just as they are now? If so, you may be ready for wedded bliss.
5. Your friends and family like your partner
When you first fall in love with someone, it’s easy to think that nothing else matters in the world. Once you make a lifelong commitment, though, you’ll quickly find that everything matters. This is a tricky one because, after all, you’re the one dating your partner, so why does it matter who likes or dislikes them besides you? However, a small rift can and will affect your life and relationship over the years. If the people you know and love don’t like your partner, where is your support system? Might you end up alienated or not invited to social events? Sure, you know yourself best – but your family and friends know you pretty well, too, so if they’re saying that you’re making a mistake, at least consider their views.
Exploring the Mysterious and Deeper Side of a Marriage

Marriages can be caught up in that dreaded vortex of work, family, stress and more work. You look yourself in the mirror and you feel as if you don't know yourself anymore. (more…)
The Power of the Walk

Last year, one of my college roommates told me that her parents started walking the neighborhood regularly and that they both ended up losing 10-20 lbs. Everyone's body is different and will react differently to different amounts of exercise and other life changes, and who knows, maybe they were seriously dieting as well. However, I love walking anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me exactly how much weight they lost. (more…)
Work Harder, Be Happier

This past year was my first year in the "real world" - as people call it. In the past 10 months, I graduated from college, started my first full time job, moved to a new city, got married, bought my first house, (and therefore moved again) and began the process to adopt a puppy. So, I feel like I was/have been pretty busy! However, I still don't feel all that busy. I get to spend more time with my husband now than I ever had before. (more…)
How to Be Happy in an Unhappy World

Do you ever feel like the world around you is just full of… unhappiness? That’s because it is. According to the CDC, in 2017, 479,000 Americans visited emergency departments for self-inflicted injuries. 47,173 committed suicide the same year, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death in the US (after health conditions such as heart disease and cancer as well as accidents). (more…)
How To React To Crisis Situations

When things go wrong in life, it's easy to feel despair and become despondent. The truth is, a turn of events can come along and just knock us so hard we feel like giving up. (more…)