The Power of the Walk

Last year, one of my college roommates told me that her parents started walking the neighborhood regularly and that they both ended up losing 10-20 lbs. Everyone’s body is different and will react differently to different amounts of exercise and other life changes, and who knows, maybe they were seriously dieting as well. However, I love walking anyway, so it doesn’t really matter to me exactly how much weight they lost. Read more

Beating Jet Lag with Essential Oils

When you travel through different time zones, your internal body clock can become out of sync, causing jet lag. It’s been proven that using a combination of natural essential oils in the bath or shower twice a day will assist you in adapting to a new time zone. Essential oils come in very small bottles that can be carried in your purse or briefcase. Read more

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Jet Lag

Travel can be exciting, exhilarating and eye opening. But often with international travel comes jet lag and you don’t want that sneaking in on your trip. With my own travel plans looming on the horizon I’ve been searching for ways to reduce the effects of international exhaustion while keeping health conscious and without succumbing to harmful endeavours. So here are five ways to help save yourself from the exhaustion of jet lag.  Read more

Staying Cool While You Stay in Shape

Cool Girl exercise on a ball

With summer temperatures heating up, many people are happy to be able to shed their winter clothes – and their winter weight – and get outside for some exercise. It’s certainly true that exercising outdoors is more fun in the warmer months, and that all that extra exercise is great for your body and your mind. However, there’s one thing to be careful about when you’re working up a sweat: the heat itself. When you work out in scorching heat, your body temperature can rise significantly, even if you’re in the shade. Never fear – you can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and still stay safe with these tips for summertime workouts. Read more

Breathe Easier with Houseplants!

You may have heard before that plants produce oxygen and that indoor plants will improve the oxygen in your home. While this is partly true, it can be misleading to assume that house plants will fill your home with oxygen. Read more

The All-Day Benefits of Yoga

Yoga and Meditation

An ancient practice, yoga has become increasingly popular in our busy modern world. For a lot of people, yoga offers a kind of escape from their chaotic and stressful lives. This is true whether you’re in an ashram in India or on a secondhand mat in your own bedroom. There are endless reasons that people love yoga; many of them are about the way you feel during your practice. A good yoga session is quite cathartic; you’ll relax, stretch, meditate, challenge yourself, and enjoy the improvements you make from day to day. However, many of the benefits of yoga carry over beyond the mat into your everyday life. Here are a few of these benefits. Read more

Preventing Environmental Allergies

The rates of allergies are increasing throughout the world these days, and the reasons are not fully known, although there are various theories.  Many of these allergies are environmental ones, so it is important to have some preventative strategies. Read more

Vitamin C for Colds

“Drink your orange juice!”

“Take vitamin C as soon as you feel a cold coming on.”

These are just a few of the things people tell you to do when you start to sniffle and sneeze. But does vitamin C for colds really work? Read more

COVID-19 Safety Tips to Keep You Healthy – and Sane

how to protect from covid-19

There’s no arguing that we live in a new world – one where a simple trip to the grocery store could result in a life-threatening illness. Or so it seems if you stay on top of the latest headlines. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction with so many people disagreeing, but a few things are indisputable: first, there is a new virus out there that we don’t fully understand; second, staying home is the best way to avoid exposure; and third, most people cannot stay at home day after day, so understanding how to protect yourself is key. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and give you peace of mind while we wait for a vaccine (the ultimate goal). Read more