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Quitter for Today

I'm not going to lie, I've battled with smoking since the young age of 14 (I'm now in my 30s). Unfortunately peer pressure got me early, and I have been smoking on and off ever since. I've evolved from a peer pressured, full-on smoker to a social (more…)

Smoking At The Start Of Life (Don’t!)

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Not Quitting Something Old, But Starting Something New

Natural Remedies That Help Kick the Habit

Day 9: The Big Push to May and Mind Hacking

Smoking And Skin Eruptions

Smoke Free Life Step Program Step 2

Passive Smoking Killed The Famous Entertainer

The late, great British entertainer Roy Castle (1932-1994) died of smoking-related disease, despite being a non-smoker. He was a very talented all-round performer: a tap dancer, actor, comedian, jazz trumpet player, singer and television presenter. (more…)

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