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Tobacco Talks!

The latest thing in helping smokers to quit is “talking” cigarettes, it seems! Yes, you read that right. Or not …

Pregnant? Quit Now!

Stopping smoking is never easy but when you’re expecting a baby, kicking the habit has never been more important. It …

Enjoying the Summer With COPD

Common seasonal activities such as basking in the sun, biking or barbecues can be difficult for those who have difficulty …

Avoiding COPD Attacks

Common everyday activities for the patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) is not easy. Eating and dressing and breathing problems …

21st Century Nicotine Maladies Versus Ancient Smoking

(Nicotine Part II) When I stumbled upon the  research conducted by Hermann Niemeyer from the University of Chile in Santiago …

Choosing the Way You Die

How would you like to die? Would you like to die rich, fighting for every breath while tethered to every …

More Women Found to Have COPD

For the more than 12 million people who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD it is poorly understood. …

Traveling With COPD

Traveling with COPD means doing your homework ahead of time. Airline, buslines and trains may have different regulations regarding breathing …

Russian Roulette

Nicotine is popularly known as the addictive compound contained in cigarettes and that's how the market for Nicotine patches and …

COPD and Managing Allergies

Having COPD and allergies gives you added respitory problems. The two aren’t related, but having allergies can worsen your COPD …