Brain Mapping

Humankind is undoubtedly referred to as the most incomprehensible yet intelligent living being on earth. The incontestable force that lies behind this fact is the human brain known for its ideal phenomenon called human consciousness which is the centre of all human thoughts and actions. Science and technology, always seeking pragmatic solutions and explanations to the human condition, grab increasing attention recently for a new phenomenon termed brain mapping. Read more

Choosing Healthy: The Smokers’ Guide to a New Life

Letting go of a habit will never be easy. I started smoking when I was 17 years old, and for almost 8 years, I could not stop inhaling and exhaling the cancer sticks. Whenever I am stressed out or feel the urge to release all the challenges I’m going through, I smoke. Just sharing this story actually makes me teary eyed. It was a struggle for almost a decade. I wasn’t mindful of the people around me. Smoking for me is something I used to really need. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. It was gruesome. It makes me sick just by imagining it now. Read more

Being Held Back No More

Not knowing what to do or where to go to change what is happening. Some say stay, others say go and determining what is best, is becoming harder and harder. Wanting to complete school in a hurry, find a job and provide a better life for my family are all on my to-do list. However, the time to do these things is slowly passing by. Read more

All Because of Them

The day before I turned 26, I posted this Facebook status, “After tomorrow, I will be 4 years from 30 with hardly anything to show for it.” Read more

Discovering Myself Through Seasons

Life has a weird way of taking us through seasons of ups and downs. Some days we wake up to a beautiful sunrise and believe we are truly happy. Other days we fall asleep angry with the world or just ourselves. We may believe that our lives have very little purpose and by this time we should be doing something greater. Read more

Little things make a difference

It was a normal day at work and I was trying to grab a bite at the crowded canteen. At about the same time I reached the counter, another worker too came nearby with his plate. Since I was furiously text-messaging, I didn’t notice that the canteen staffer ignoring him started serving me first. Read more

15 Unexpected Suggestions for People Who Are Too Bored with Life

Because of the fast track life we have, 3 minute instant noodles, one hit wonders, microblogging of non-sensible things and anything short on the side, people easily get bored and find something more exciting. I usually meet people who want to enjoy their Friday nights drinking, get wasted and sulk on emotions. Read more

No More Refined Sugar and Coca Cola!

Hi, I have a story to share with you. For several years, I consumed coca cola and sugary products everyday. Let me underscore that I consumed these products every single day! Literally, I was ingesting tons of refined sugar into my body, which damaged me. I could not control myself. Read more

Taking Care of Yourself While Providing End-of-Life Care

parent relative End-of-Life Care

When a parent or other family member receives a terminal diagnosis, you may suddenly find yourself in caretaking mode, from driving to doctor’s appointments and picking up medications to handling personal care tasks such as feeding, dressing, and bathing. On top of that, you’re probably feeling the pressure to keep up a positive attitude, even though positive might be the last thing you’re actually feeling. While you keep your loved one comfortable, however, there’s one very important task that you can’t afford to overlook: taking care of yourself. Here are a few ways that you can look after yourself while providing end-of-life care for someone else. Read more