Gripping Your Emotions and Mastering Them!

As a woman, sometimes I can find it hard to control what I am feeling. This of course mostly contends with negative emotions, with feelings of worthlessness or feelings of hopelessness. Often times when a woman cries but does not know why they have a hard time controlling these emotions. Read more

4 Ways to Be Happier Being Less Perfect

We all know this, yet most of us somehow continue to forget it. No human is perfect. We make mistakes and should be able to move on. However, some of us seem to really struggle with moving beyond our mistakes or imperfections. Basically, this makes us miserable, and at times like these we could surely use a dose of happiness injected into our lives. Read more

Open Your Heart to Happiness

If you open your heart to the world, you are open to all potential options!

Yes, risking staying disappointed, but also opening space for dreams. To be open or be closed? To express your emotions, or to hide them from surrounding? Should I let my conduct be in harmony with the emotions and feelings, or to live in two separate worlds? Read more

Love Songs To Make You Happy

Being in love comes with a price. For me the price is happiness. When a person is in love, I don’t see how being sad should be an initial reaction. I enjoy listening to sad love songs, but I’d rather listen to love songs that would make me happy and that would compliment the love I feel inside. Read more

Love Is The Art of Persistence

Indeed this is the first time in my life when I feel confused and even baffled to take the right decision and to make the right choice about what to do next as regards to my love relationship. Thus a set of questions have come to my mind which I haven’t yet answered as honestly as I should. Read more

The Building Blocks for a Strong Relationship

A relationship is like a house you need a foundation so you can build a long healthy relationship. Each person involved in the relationship has to put in work and make sacrifices sometimes. Below are the five building blocks of a relationship. These themes can not only strengthen your relationships but also make them long lasting. Read more

10 Ways To Love Yourself

There’s an old psychologists’ cliché; ‘you have to love yourself before you can expect others to love you.’ There is a grain of truth in this; it’s much easier to be around someone who is ‘happy in their own skin’, to quote another cliché. But loving yourself isn’t always that easy and we all feel down and negative about ourselves from time to time. Read more

10 Tips For Lasting Happiness In Your Marriage

Today, more than 50% of all marriages fail for one cause or another. The commitment seems scary and marriage takes time and hard work. When your marriage is faced with challenges, hardships, loss of a family member, or a sick child, never give up. Decide now to love your partner and stick it out. In all marriages, nothing is perfect and there will be major obstacles to overcome. Read more

Embracing My Tears

The days where you try so hard to keep your emotions and feelings in check; the heart aches and you feel tears welling up. I hate those days. I’m having one of those days, right now, this very minute and at this very second. Read more