My Post-Addiction Left Turn

It all started with shots of liquor... many many shots of liquor. It was like one of the drunken scenes from the Sandra Bullock movie, 28 Days. It ended just as bad as her character's last escapade too. (more…)

6 Tips for Choosing Anti Allergy Bedding and Breathing Easier

As you're well aware, getting a good night's sleep is one of the best things you can do for the health of your body and mind. So it's definitely a good idea to try and eliminate any potential risk factors that could lead to disruption of those sweet hours of shut-eye. (more…)

How Being Single in my Late 20’s Transformed My Life: And Can Transform Yours Too

My 25th year of life was remarkable in a number of ways. It was a year in which I made an unusual amount of outstanding mistakes. While some of them had devastating consequences, I will forever consider these mistakes to be meaningful gifts. If I had the power to go back an undo any of them, I can say with one hundred percent clarity that I would not.   (more…)

3 Ways to Support Your Loved One Dealing with Substance Abuse

Regardless of race, class, and or generation, addiction is part of the modern human condition. According to statistics published in Canada in September 2013, about six million of that country's populace meet the criteria for a substance use disorder. Knowing someone or having a loved one who is affected by substance use can not only be hard on the substance user, but family and friends as well.  (more…)

8 Ways to Breathe Happy by Spending Less at the Grocery Store

Have you noticed how the prices at the grocery store get higher between visits? How each shopping trip you buy less but spend more money? Prices continue to rise, making it impossible to feed your family. No matter if you take advantage of coupons, cheaper brands, and sales, you’re still spending more for food. Other household items also continue to rise in price. (more…)

5 Ways to De-Stress Your Morning Routine and Breathe Happier!

“Mom, I can’t find my Science Book!” “Dad, my form is not signed!” “Honey, have you seen my file?” “I am too sleepy. I don’t want to go to school.” “Will you two hurry up? The bus will be here any minute.”

If every early morning, your house is filled with yells and groans such as these, you are probably just one of those families that is yet to establish a hassle-free morning routine. It sounds simplistic, but when parents and school-going children have to leave the house together and they aren't organized, things can turn very chaotic and stressful, setting a negative tone for the whole day. (more…)

Mindfulness can be a Useful Tool in Addiction Recovery

Most people who are recovering from an addiction tend to accumulate a "grab-bag" of tools and tricks they use to help them stay sober from day to day. What works for some people doesn't necessarily work for everyone, so for any given person, their grab-bag typically has a different assortment of tools, depending on what they find most useful. (more…)

8 Foods You Should Be Eating That Are Even Better For You Than You Think

As we all know, the way we feel on the inside is the way we look on the outside. Our bodies are sacred and we should take good care of them. Which is not always the case but there are definitely some foods that are better for you than you think. (more…)

5 Ways to Use Tinder Without Losing Your Mind or Dating a Serial Killer

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” they say.  When have you NOT been told that when meeting (new) people? However, when using online dating site Tinder, that phrase no longer applies… at least not much. (more…)

Can Cleaning Make You Happier and More Successful?

Remember when your grandparents fixed everything at home, reused and upcycled, simply because goods were not that readily available to them? Our forebears had to make everything themselves and keep it, because it was crucial for their survival. We might be genetically programmed to do the same. (more…)