Healthy Eating Tips

It’s still the first month of the year, and you're possibly still discussing with family and friends your goal to change your eating habits this year. What are you waiting for? Well, you possibly have no clue where to begin.Changing your eating habits for the better can be a little intimidating when you’re unsure of where to start. I think the key to changing eating habits is taking small baby steps and trying different strategies that can make eating healthy a breeze. (more…)

Mindfulness; The Pause for a Cause

Our reactions to most situations can benefit by pausing ourselves and being present in the here and now. We are all faced by events we find distressing every day, both small and large; burnt toast, account overdrafts, misbehaving children, loss of employment, failing grades, and sometimes even the loss of a loved one. Depending on our individual reactions to these events, we can escalate them into episodes of profound depression, panic attacks, substance abuse, mania, hyper-aggression, or one of many other mood and behavioral conditions. (more…)

Journal Your Way to Health and Happiness

What if the key that could unlock weight loss, improved health and happier moods was within your grasp all the time? What if that key looked like...a pencil? (more…)

6 Common Sleeping Disorders

We all go through distressing situations. The only time our minds and bodies get to rest and repair themselves completely, is when we are sleeping. But when this rest phase is disrupted, changes in our body and even our daily lives, occur. (more…)

Being Child-Free and a Cat Mom

I do not want to physically birth children and have chosen to be child-free. This seems to be a harsh and almost impossible concept for many people to understand or respect. There is always the “Oh, you will change your mind. You still have time” and the “Who will take care of you someday?” Let’s not forget “But you would make such cute babies!” (more…)

Losing to Ourselves: The Truth About the Path We Call Life

Sometimes, on our path to destiny, our soul loses its foundation; it dwells in the darkness of its own hate and deceit. You lose sight of everything around you, what you want, what you need, who you are, and where you want to be. You're blinded by the devil himself and you can't see the light, no matter which way you look. (more…)

Simple Tips for Weight Loss in 2014

Who doesn't want to lose weight in 2014?  I am sure that most of us have that as our top resolution for the new year, whether it be 5 pounds or 50 pounds or more.  Of course we all want to lose fat, especially around our middle, but maintain muscle.  These are the tricks that have worked for me in the past.  I, like everyone else I know, tend to eat and drink many things I normally would not over the holiday season, and so when January hits find I need to lose a few pounds. (more…)

LOVE: A Four Letter Word or a Whole New Meaning to Life?

I remember when I was a teenager I used to sit around with my high school sweetheart asking myself this question day after day. At that age, you don’t realize that the world can even be such a cruel place. Everything seems so perfect and dandy when you think that you have it all. (more…)

Working Myself out of Body Shame

Body shame. It’s something that I have struggled with for many years with as a child, teenager, and adult. It’s something that occurred even before I developed an eating disorder and it’s something that I still battle. (more…)

Internet Dating: Staying Safe

Internet dating is now the most popular way among singles of all ages of searching for Mr. or Mrs, Right. Unfortunately, not everyone out there is genuine in their intentions and there have been an alarming number of incidents recently where women have been the victims of sexual assault and even rape by men they have met through online dating sites. (more…)