Breathing Happy Member

Staying in Shape and Feeling Gorgeous

Whether it is about increasing your life span or just looking good in your old pair of jeans, health and fitness are crucial at all times. One could easily understand that they are in good shape when they could perform a task with reasonable efficiency. Like many others have stated before me, physical fitness comes from healthy nutrition and regular physical exercises. Read more

Using spices while eating clean can also provide added health benefits.

Eating clean doesn’t have to mean eating boring, but healthy foods often get a bad rap for have-ing “bad” or “bland” taste. Learning to incorporate spices into your clean eating diet can not only enhance the taste of your dishes but can also give you some extra added health benefits. We have a list of 6 spices to start incorporating into your diet to give your palette some enjoyment and your body some benefit. Read more

Using Pinterest to Make You Healthier and Happier

It used to be if you wanted to clean up your diet or cut down on the chemicals you used on your body, you were pretty much stuck with bland, tasteless “health” recipes and the dubious home remedies that came from your grandmother’s kitchen. Today, all you have to do to find exactly what you need to be healthier and happier is pop over to Pinterest. Read more

Travelling’s Positive Impact on Health

When most people think about vacations, they simply think about time spent away from work and the hustle and bustle of their daily routine. Many do not realize that traveling, especially abroad, can be beneficial to their overall health. Yes, your physical and mental health can be rejuvenated and even increased, simply through travel. Read more

Stay Motivated!

Motivation is a psychological feature that makes a person do work to reach a desired goal and similarly controls the behaviours towards it. A person is motivated by the desire to achieve something and it is said that the key to successfully accomplish a goal is to be motivated and determined. We come across so many tasks in life which we don’t like to complete. Yet we find stimulus to complete it. Read more

How to Make Volunteering a Way of Life

Today, 5th of December, the global community marks the International Volunteer Day (IVD). But, as is the spirit of volunteerism, the IVD does not only celebrate the efforts of those who selflessly help others and the impact their actions have on their communities, it strives to guide others and to promote participation in volunteering as well. So the best way to join this celebration of helping others is by actually helping others. Read more

Open Your Heart to Happiness

If you open your heart to the world, you are open to all potential options!

Yes, risking staying disappointed, but also opening space for dreams. To be open or be closed? To express your emotions, or to hide them from surrounding? Should I let my conduct be in harmony with the emotions and feelings, or to live in two separate worlds? Read more

Loving an Only Child

What is the definition of a partner? A partner is someone that you can work with and depend on, or someone who is there for you in your times of need, and other times as well. In a relationship, a partner is someone that you can fight with, make up with, and fight with again. At the end of the day, you know that person is by your side 100% and is willing to do anything for you. Read more

10 Items Every Woman’s Wardrobe Should Have

The most common problem women have is getting ready, and somehow they are never on time. If you want to know why, the answer is always the same: they have nothing to wear for that particular occasion. It does not matter if they have a walk-in closet or a regular small wardrobe, whether they went shopping last week or last season, they will always complain about not having enough. But the secret is that you do not need a lot of clothes, just several crucial items that can be combined for every occasion. Read more