Before we launch into the list, it’s worth mentioning that Repetitive Low Back Strain does not have to be a part of anyone’s life, unless medically proven to be irreversible. This is the tone of this whole article. Read more
Inpatient Addiction Treatment: A Journey
10 Ways to Conquer Constipation
Most of us know what it is like to have experienced that unpleasant condition, constipation of the bowels, at some time in our lives. It’s a real pain in the butt! It seems to be more common nowadays than it used to be, as modern lifestyles are partly to blame. Fast food, takeaways and unhealthy processed foods feature largely in the diets of so many people these days, besides a large caffeine intake, which is dehydrating. Read more
Having Trouble “Holding It?” Treatment and Prevention for Incontinence
Did you think that urinary incontinence was only for old folks? Think again. The grocer’s diaper aisle has pads for all ages. This is due to what is called pelvic floor disorder(PFD) and it is caused by the muscles of the pelvic floor not opening and closing properly. Problems range from burning, pain, urine leaks and even pelvic organ prolapses. Read more
Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Kicking the Caffeine Habit
Choosing Organic Moisturizers: Made Easy!
Browsing through the beauty section of your nearby departmental store in hopes of finding the ‘right’ product for your skin type is no easy task. With the huge number of products available, all of them with clever marketing strategies, choosing the right one can be difficult, and often, you may end up with some horrible product that may cause an allergic reaction on your skin. Read more
7 Myths About Your Monthly Cycle
Not only young girls are curious about their cycles. Myths about such things as not being unable to perm your hair, feeling fat, craving chocolate, not being able to swim, not being able to participate in gym class and not feeling like being intimate that have been going around female circles for years. Let’s learn the truth about some of these myths. Read more
6 Common Sleeping Disorders
5 Herbs for Stress
With hectic daily schedules, joggling between family responsibilities and work related tasks, we all live nowadays under the empire of stress. Our body may well endure it for brief period of time, but prolonged stressful circumstances can impact not only our morale, but also our physical health. Read more