Healthy Foods for Your Kids


Food choices and habits are major indicators of healthy lifestyle. Installing healthy habits into kids on time is important for their future nutrition, because if kids learn to eat healthy foods at an early age they will most certainly choose a healthy lifestyle later in life.

Parents are role models for their children and they only want what’s best for them. If we want our kids have healthy eating choices we must first start with ourselves. Why is that? The answer is simple- kids copy everything and they look up to their parents, including their good or bad eating habits. Being a good parent means taking care of our nutrition. We can educate our children by helping them understand how to lead healthy and happy life. This way they will learn about impact of making wise decisions and their effects on health.

How can we insure the wellbeing of our kids?

Creating a healthy nutritional environment with steadfast menu and food choices is the key. As they get older they will develop these healthy habits and ensure wellbeing. In theory, this seems easy but kids are more and more influenced by television advertising of junk food. The catch is that these companies advertise these foods by offering free toys children love and parents are somehow forced to buy these processed foods to satisfy their kids. Junk food contains high levels of sugar, salt and saturated fat which can be very harmful to the kids’ organism.

Parenting doesn’t need to be difficult and time-consuming. You can inspire your kids to become healthier and make right choices on what they eat and drink. Here are some tips to motivate them:

  • Let your kids help you out while you prepare meals. They can wash vegetables and fruits
  • Let kids choose nutritious foods when you are shopping for groceries
  • Encourage them to cook simple recipes with you
  • Show them the benefits of antioxidants in fruits, beans, nuts and vegetables and discuss how junk food needs to be replaced with nutritious meals
  • Praise them for their help and they will become confident in return

Few tasty recipes

Here are a few recipes children will love. These are perfect for picky kids. They are healthy and delicious. Their daily diet will be enhanced with unprocessed foods.


Try out some of the following combinations. These are great energy boosters.

-Apple, carrot, and lemon (or beetroot)

-Pear, carrot and broccoli


Kids love all sorts of jams. Blend following ingredients and serve on toast.

-1 banana or apple, 5 dates and ¼ cup of water

Fruit yogurt

Fruit yogurt is another great idea. Blend following ingredients and cool in fridge for 15 minutes.

-¼ cup nuts or almond, 1 banana, ½ cup of berries and some orange juice



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