5 Ways to De-Stress Your Morning Routine and Breathe Happier!

“Mom, I can’t find my Science Book!” “Dad, my form is not signed!” “Honey, have you seen my file?” “I am too sleepy. I don’t want to go to school.” “Will you two hurry up? The bus will be here any minute.”

If every early morning, your house is filled with yells and groans such as these, you are probably just one of those families that is yet to establish a hassle-free morning routine. It sounds simplistic, but when parents and school-going children have to leave the house together and they aren’t organized, things can turn very chaotic and stressful, setting a negative tone for the whole day. Read more

From Mountains to the Sea: The Health Benefits of Wondering

Modern life. Fast paced, stressful and unrelenting. In today’s sped up world it’s very easy to forget about your own personal health. High levels of stress and overworking can lead to numerous health problems, including depression, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, insomnia and so on. Stressors are all around us, and sometimes both your body and your mind need to take a break from the hassle of everyday life. Read more

7 Essential Tips for Stress Management

Stressed with all your workload lately? Or probably you’ve been worrying too much about every day, thinking of the tasks that need to be done, things that must be accomplished, and so on. Well, we can’t help it: stress seems to be a staple in many people’s lives these days. The only difference is that some are able to handle stress pretty well, while others struggle to cope with all the stress going on. While we may have varied coping mechanisms, here are some tips to effectively manage stress in your day-to-day life. Read more

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Stress

These days, we find most people living in stress due to some or the other reason. If you happen to be in a stressful mind state then taking a wrong approach would only add more tension nothing else.

However, there are plenty of ways though which you can relax yourself and overcome stress: Read more

Life After Smoking!

Life After Smoking!

Every organ in your body will suffer from the effects of inhaling the poisonous toxins every cigarette holds inside. It is not easy to quit smoking, but it can be done. There are a variety of little helpers on the market which can assist in controlling the initial cravings to light up! Read more

Praise Your Children

Children are the determinants of the future. As much as bringing up a child in the right way is quite challenging, below are some tips that you for sure know, but sometimes forget to apply. In addition to care, education and given knowledge of virtues and good practices, motivation is also one of the most important factors that determine the child’s behavior, self-confidence, personality and self-esteem.  Read more

A Clean Home is a Healthy Home

Have you ever been in a home, and it is so dirty, so cluttery, and the addition of a funny smell just makes your whole experience negative? Well, I have been in homes exactly like that, and I could barely function. I used to nanny for a family, and the environment they lived in was not that of a clean one. When food fell from the baby’s high chair, they would just leave it on the floor. The kitchen was cluttered, the whole house was just an unhealthy place to be in (for me, and probably for the family who lived there). After making the children’s meals, I had to clean the dishes that I used of course, but I was unable to even get the pan or pot in the sink because there were already so many dishes in it. It was really hard, and I couldn’t clean up the dishes that were already in the sink because I had to watch the children, and I was not paid to be their housekeeper. I didn’t want to uncover disgusting mysteries in the mess, and that is partly why I didn’t clean up their mess too. Read more

Breathe Easier with a Neti Pot

Sinus pain, allergies, and post-nasal drip are problematic for many people. These conditions can create headaches, dizziness, and can even lead to infections. A neti pot can often treat these conditions, because it cleans out the nasal passages and remove excess debris and mucus. Neti pots have been used to treat sinus and allergy problems in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and are gaining popularity in the west. Though the procedure may seem complicated at first, once you become familiar with it, using a neti pot becomes easy and routine. Read more

What is the Formula for Genuine Happiness?

It will probably take a lot of experience to master the art of forgiving, letting go and moving on. I had my fair share of experiences before I got to where I am now.

Not everything is perfect; not everything is successful. In this journey we call life, we’ll never be fully happy if always try to win. The first time I experienced a severe kind of pain from failure, I had no idea what to do. I was not ready to let go of the things I was passionate about. But the moment I passed through the dark tunnel of sorrow, everything suddenly became superb and more genuine. Appreciating what life can give you is one of the first steps to happiness. In order to have a full realization of acceptance, you need to learn the value of gratitude first.

Let me share with you a brilliant formula which I have learned from years of experience. If you add all these up, you may experience genuine happiness. Read more