Breathing Happy Author

Do Nicotine Substitutes Help or Hinder a New Non Smoker?

There are very few smokers that don’t want to give up the habit. Addiction, however, along side a potential worry of weight gain and a psychological attachment, often stop them from taking the leap. Addiction is obviously due to the drug, nicotine, that is found in the tobacco. So, is replacing this with another drug of the same strength counterproductive to individuals giving up traditional cigarettes? Read more

Gripping Your Emotions and Mastering Them!

As a woman, sometimes I can find it hard to control what I am feeling. This of course mostly contends with negative emotions, with feelings of worthlessness or feelings of hopelessness. Often times when a woman cries but does not know why they have a hard time controlling these emotions. Read more

Believe It or Not You Can Quit Smoking

Enjoy Life and Breathe Happy

Have you been too afraid to even try quitting cigarettes? Then work on some seemingly less significant habits like always lighting up in certain places, before or after a meal, while on the telephone, walking to the car or before turning out the lights.   Read more

Why do I write?

Why do I write?

It’s an honor and a privilege to be part of a global community of bloggers advocating for a smoke free world. We steal time from our busy lives to read each others’ blog and reflect on what they mean. I’m also grateful for anyone who finds something useful in my reflections. I have already stated Read more

Breathe Happier with ChatGPT – AI

what is ChatGPT and how it make us happy

Have you ever wished you could have someone to talk to whenever you wanted, someone who could answer all your questions and provide helpful advice? Well, now you can! Meet ChatGPT, a large language model designed to communicate with people and provide assistance in a wide range of areas.

ChatGPT is a computer program that uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing techniques to understand and respond to human language. It can understand and interpret text-based inputs, such as messages or emails, and provide relevant and helpful responses.

One of the great things about ChatGPT is that it is available 24/7, which means you can access it whenever you need help or guidance. Whether you’re feeling down and need someone to talk to, or you’re struggling with a complex problem and need some expert advice, ChatGPT is always there to provide support.

But how can ChatGPT make humans breathe happier? Well, the answer lies in its ability to provide personalized support and guidance. By understanding your unique needs and concerns, ChatGPT can offer tailored solutions and advice that can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

For example, if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, ChatGPT can provide tips and strategies for managing your stress levels and improving your mental wellbeing. It can also connect you with resources and support groups in your area that can provide additional help and guidance.

Similarly, if you’re struggling with a difficult decision, ChatGPT can offer unbiased advice and help you weigh the pros and cons of different options. This can help you make a more informed decision and feel more confident in your choices.

In addition to providing support and guidance, ChatGPT can also be a source of inspiration and motivation. It can share uplifting quotes, stories, and messages that can help boost your mood and inspire you to pursue your dreams and goals.

Overall, ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful tool that can help humans breathe happier by providing personalized support, guidance, and inspiration. Whether you’re feeling down, overwhelmed, or simply need some expert advice, ChatGPT is always there to help. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you breathe happier today?

Running Today Let´s Eat First.

When I talk about going on a run, food always comes to mind, not because I am longing something to eat, but because I always ask myself if I should eat before running and if so, what kind of food? Read more

Five Ways to Fit in Exercise When You Work From Home

Working from home is great – you can work when you want, wherever you want, even work in your pajamas! The downside, though, is that many work-from-home jobs involve lots of sitting down and between working and running a household, it can be easy to let other things like exercise slide. Read more

Unexpected Changes…

I had an idea in my head when I was in my 20’s of what my life would look like by the time I was 40. It was really neat and tidy and full of accomplishment with little worry. It’s funny how what we sometimes think will be our reality doesn’t exactly pan out the way we plan. My husband told me once that he read somewhere that “If you want to make God laugh, make plans.” As I look back on our lives over the past 20 years I see just how true a statement that is! Read more

When Love Goes Out the Window

Love is an extra-ordinary feeling that can make or mar your life. It is the most powerful emotion that humans can feel. Yet, it is also something that makes our heart weep. Read more

Choosing Healthy: The Smokers’ Guide to a New Life

Letting go of a habit will never be easy. I started smoking when I was 17 years old, and for almost 8 years, I could not stop inhaling and exhaling the cancer sticks. Whenever I am stressed out or feel the urge to release all the challenges I’m going through, I smoke. Just sharing this story actually makes me teary eyed. It was a struggle for almost a decade. I wasn’t mindful of the people around me. Smoking for me is something I used to really need. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. It was gruesome. It makes me sick just by imagining it now. Read more